Chapter 1 : Why?

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Why.....what did I do to deserve this.....I joined team Rainbow because they were famous and notorious for stopping Terrorists from doing their deeds. But it turns out that is not the case.

?: Oh.......Y/N.

Crap! Not again! I turned around to see Zofia,Ash and Caviera looking at me with smiles on there faces. Ash Cracked her knuckles, just hearing her bones crack made me shiver in fear.

Ash: You know what it's time for.

Y/N: No please......

Caviera: Your not hiding from us. 

Ash came up to me and Punched me so hard across my Face that it blacked out.

1 hour later

Y/n was crying from Fear and Pain after the torture he had just received from Zofia, Ash and Cavirea. Y/N was sitting on a chair tide up hard and couldn't break out. He was covered in blood and had cuts and bruises all over him. He had a Black eye on his left eye. he was bearly holding himself together. Y/N could bearly hear his friend Taylor calling him.

Taylor: Y/N! 

1 hour Later on Doc's Infirmary

Y/N was laying on the bed. Taylor on his seat beside him. Taylor is a Recruit Like Y/N he join at the same time as him. From day one they became good friends. Taylor is the only one who knows of the abuse Y/N was getting. He couldn't tell Six because the Girls threatened him as well if he said anything to Six. But Taylor was so angry with the girls. Why would they do that to Y/N? What were they getting out of it. Pleasure? Enjoyment? He didn't know why.

Taylor: Why are they doing this to you man?

Y/N: I don't know........

Taylor: You can't let this happen to you all the time.

Y/N: I know.....That's why I'm leaving team rainbow.

Taylor: Wait! What!?

Y/N: I can't take this anymore Taylor. All the Abuse I've been getting is too much for me. I've been verbally abused, waterboarded, physically abused. Zofia keeps hitting so hard in the stomach to vomit my food. Ash the same but keeps going for my head for me to get a haemorrhage. And Cavirea I don't want to talk about.

Taylor: No Valkyrie?

Y/N: No. Thankfully.

Taylor: Look man you can still have a chance you don't have to do this.

Y/N: I'm sorry Taylor.......I can't cope with it anymore.

Y/N slowly got up and headed for Six's Office. While on the Way he saw The other Girls who were looking at him. Mainly IQ,Hibana and Frost.

Hibana: Look who it is...Baby Y/N

IQ: You want your Mommy?

Frost: So she can cuddle with you?

Y/N heard them but simply walked by he took the abused mentally to himself. Frost snuck up behind him and Shoved him onto the ground,IQ and Hibana laughed at what she did.

IQ: Are you gonna call for your Mommy Now? 

Hibana: So she can get your bottle of milk.

Y/N got up and went onto Six's office and was about to knock on the door until he headed Ash's words.

Ash: Tell Six and you won't hear the end of it.

 Y/N shivered in fear and knocked on the door. 

Six: Come in.

Y/N walked in and saluted to Six.

Y/N: Ma'am. Permission to speak.

Six: Of course Y/N go ahead.

Y/N: I.....would like to resign from team rainbow.

Six was shocked of the news.

Six: Y/N.....this is new why?

Y/N: I.....

Cavirea: Say anything and I'll cut your throat!

Y/N: I don't think I have the courage to take it onto the field.

Six: Y/N......are you sure? Your expectations are good.

Y/N: I understand Ma'am but I think there is something better for me in life.

Six: Well if that's what you want.

Six took out some Resignation Papers and opened it and gave Y/N the Pen. Y/N took the pen out her hand and signed his name. Y/N took his patches to and handed them to Six.

Y/N: Thank you Ma'am for the Opportunity.

Six: Of course Y/N stay safe.

Y/N nodded and walked out and back down to his dorm and packed his belongings and walked out to never been seen again.

Location: Dallas,Texas U.S.A

Y/N was sitting in a Bar drinking a Soda looking at the T.V where the news was on and nothing good was on the T.V

?: Holy shit Y/N?

Y/N looked to his side to see his fathers best friend Joshua.

Y/N: Joshua?

Joshua: It's so good to see you.

Joshua gave Y/N a big hug in which Y/N accepted.

Joshua: Why aren't You at Rainbow?

Y/N flinched in fear and looked away from Joshua.

Joshua: Y/N?

Y/N: Can we talk some where private?

Joshua: Sure.

Joshua took Y/N outside into an alley.

Joshua: What's wrong?

Y/N:......I left team rainbow.

Joshua: Why?

Y/N: I....

Joshua: It's Ok you can tell me.

Y/N: I.....was getting abused.

Joshua: By who?

Y/N: The Female operators they abused me Physically and mentally. It was so horrible. I couldn't take it anymore. They said I'm Weak and I'll never be like them.

Joshua: Bullshit.

Y/N looked at Joshua in shocked.

Joshua: Do you know what I do for the past 5 years?

Y/N shook his head side to side.

Joshua: I've been doing Fighting classes for people who want get into the Military. I help them Physically and mentally to prepare theselves.

Joshua went uptown Y/N's face.

Joshua: I want you at my Gym at 6am sharp tomorrow. Don't be late.

Y/N nodded. Joshua walked away. He looked back at Y/N.

Joshua: I'm gonna turn you into the Punisher himself.

And that the end of the chapter I hoped you enjoyed it it so comment down below what you think and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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