Chapter 2: Motivation

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Y/N slammed his fist onto his alarm clock. He picked it up and looked at the time.


Y/N widen his eyes in shock.

Y/N: Crap! I'm Late!

Without a moment to lose Y/N sprung out of his bed and went into the bathroom and fixed himself up. He ran straight out and put on some clothes for the gym tripping in the process. 

Within a few minutes he sprinted out the door and headed straight for Joshua's Gym.

10 Minutes Later

Joshua was waiting outside his Gym taping his foot impatiently. He looked at his watch and saw it was 6:15am.

Joshua: Where is he?

Joshua heard a noise and looked to his side to see Y/N Running up the street and arriving panting very hard and hunched over.

Joshua: Your Late!

Y/N: Sorry. I overslept.

Joshua: No Excuses Y/N! I want you here on time as expected! 10 laps around the gym. Go!

Y/N: Wha-?

Joshua: Twenty Laps!

Y/N: O-Ok!

Y/N started to jog around the Gym,Joshua was beside him cruising along while Y/N was already Panting.

Joshua: Come On Y/N! Push on!

Y/N was pushing as hard as he could. Within the First 3 laps Y/N was completely Exhausted. He was already on the ground. Joshua came up to him as he was fine.

Joshua: Are you fucking Serious!? 3 laps!?

Y/N: Can't.........breath........

Joshua: What is wrong with you?

Y/N: I......don't know.

Joshua: If this is your standard then were gonna have to work on you very hard. In my office.

Y/N Finally got his breath back and got up and headed for Joshua's Office. He looked around the office and saw the awards Joshua had. Lots of MMA awards. Joshua came in and sat down and looked at Y/N in disappointment.

Joshua: I'm not pleased.

Y/N could say nothing but looked down in shame.

Joshua: *sigh* Y/N.....I need you to understand. Your father would not like to see you as a weakling.

Y/N:.....I know.

Joshua: Take the day off. Go and visit your fathers Grave. He'd be dying to see you. tomorrow I want you here at the same time.

Y/N: Right.

Y/n left the Gym and headed back home to get some rest and get changed and go to the local Graveyard.

20 Minutes later

At the local graveyard Y/N was walking up to see his fathers grave. When he arrived he looked at to and saw it was a cobblestone grave.

Here lies

Mathew L/N

Hero for his country and a Lovable Father. He will never be forgotten.


Y/N drew a tear. He father passed away from having Cancer. Y/N started to remember his fathers words.

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