Chapter 19 : When Things Go South....

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Weeks passed by and Grace had been cleared to leave the hospital and head back to Hereford with Y/N and Ela. After Grace had been shot and luckily survived she was found out to be Pregnant with Y/N's Child. 

Grace was about a month into her Pregnancy and the bump was beginning to show itself. She couldn't go on missions and she had to keep doing these strange poses to keep herself in shape during her Pregnancy. She was sitting in her room watching some Youtube clips while eating some Potato Chips.

Y/N then came through the door with a tray of salad and a bottle of water until he saw Grace eating the chips. Y/N a look of Disappointment.

Y/N: Grace are you serious?

Grace gasped and put the chips underneath her pillow.

Grace: You saw nothing!

Y/N: *gasp* Grace come on. You need to stop eating them. Especially when you have a baby.

Grace: You mean 'Our' Baby.

Y/N: *heavy sigh* Yes. Our Baby.

Grace smiled and Y/N put the tray near her table and he took a plastic fork and took a piece of salad and presented to Grace who don't look too happy.

Grace: You're Joking?

Y/N: Nope. Say 'Ah'.

Grace did what she said and opened wide as Y/N baby Fed her. Graces face Shivered after eating some of the salad.

Grace: Ugh! That's Horrible!

Y/N: It's keeping you Healthy and our Baby.

Grace: I know...

Y/N took in a deep sigh.

Grace: Y/N?

Y/N: I'll leave the food there for you....I need to be alone for a while.

Grace: Are you Ok?

Y/N: I just need to be alone.

Y/N got up and walked out of the room and headed outside. He saw everyone was doing there own thing. He sat on the steps watching everything going by.

?: Y/N?

Y/N looked up to see Zoifa who was in running gear and was sweating.

Y/N: Hey.

Zoifa: Is something wrong?

Y/N: No.

Zofia wasn't buying it so she sat down beside Y/N. Y/N looked away from her.

Zofia: There's something wrong isn't there?

Y/N said nothing.

Zofia: Come on. You can tell me.

Y/N: I.....

Zoifa: What?

Y/N: I'm not ready to be a father.

Zofia was completely off guard from what he said.

Y/N: I feel like I don't have what it takes to be a father.

Zoifa stayed quiet.

Y/N: I feel like I'm selfish and irresponsible when it comes to parenting. I love my Father when he was with me, but that was when he wasn't in the Desert doing patrols and being gone for about 8 months.

Zoifa: Y/N.

Y/N: What if I become like my Dad? What if-

Zoifa: Stop.

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