Chapter 22: I'm coming back.

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Y/N fell straight into the freezing cold water of the ocean. He could hear Graces voice screaming for him. He could feel his body getting lighter as if heaven was taken him up. The heat had left his body, and he felt cold.

It was terrifying.

He recalled the events that happened. He went to an abandoned Warehouse to save his girlfriends from Eric. He remembered that Eric had shot him in the chest but lucky enough for him he took in a body vest with him. He smiled at that the fact that the girls were safe.

He felt at ease from that.

Y/N's thoughts went to black, his visions faded, blurring into flashes of white and red as the oxygen left his body, drifting away in little bubbles, taunting as they made it for the surface, so far away now.

Y/N was dying. He knew it. He understood it.

Y/N: I'm sorry Ela and Grace.....I won't be there for you....I hope you can look after the baby well Grace......I love you....

His Thoughts ceased, and the darkness claimed him.





Grace: NO!!!!!!

Grace leaped up form the bed as she looked out into the darkness. She couldn't Y/N's body floating anywhere. Grace dropped to her knees, crying her hear out.

Grace: Y/N.......You promised me.......why?......

Ela was slowly waking up, her eyes flickered as she slowly rose up to hold her belly in pain. She looked to see Zofia who had tears in her face.

Ela: Zo?

Zofia looked to see Ela was awake.

Ela: What's wrong......*looks around* Where's Y/N and Grace?

Zoifa said nothing as she looked out at the sea. Ela saw Grace staring out into the ocean. Ela got off the stretcher as she walked over to Grace.

Ela: Grace?

Grace said nothing as kept looking out into the sea.

Ela: Grace.....where's Y/N?

Grace looked back at Ela. Ela saw Grace's eyes were puffed up form crying. Ela started to draw tears.

Ela: No......he can't be dead.....he can't be......

Grace grabbed onto Ela as the two of them started to cry after losing their Boyfriend.











Wake up son.

Y/N's eyes flickered as he slowly opened them to see he was in a green field. The land was full of Grass that was a very bright green. He slowly rose up and looked at the man who was calling his name.

Y/N: Dad.

Mathew: It's good to see you son.

Y/N: *looks around* Is this heaven?

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