Chapter 12: Waking up

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It has been 4 weeks sense Doc told the girls , Y/N was in a coma, from then on he didn't wake up at all. Word spread out about him being in a coma fast, everyone was worried for him. Ela and Dokkaebi were worried the most, they wanted to confess their feelings to him.

Y/N opened his eyes to see he was in a dark room with nobody else around him. He was completely confused on what was going on. He tried to walk but couldn't move an inch, suddenly a flash of light popped up and blinded his eyes for a few seconds and what he saw was horrifying.

There was Ela lying in a pool of blood not moving at all.

Y/N: E-Ela......

Dokkaebi: Y/N! HELP ME!

Y/N looked up and saw Dokkaebi was tied up and crying as a gun was aimed at her head, he could see the shooter was a White Mask. Y/N tried to move but still couldn't move.

Y/N: GRACE!!!!!!!!!

Dokkaebi: Y/N!!!!!!



Y/N Suddenly woke up and felt his heart pumping so fast, he tried to take in a deep breath but only to be met with a pain from his abdomen. He saw the bandaged wrapped around his Lower torso.

Y/N: Jesus....that bullet did more than I thought.

Y/N rubbed his head in pain after the dream in his head. He was glad it was dream and not reality to see his Friends get killed, it was the last thing he wanted on his mind. Y/N looked around to see he was in the Infirmary, he saw a nearby clock and it read 12:30pm. It was midday and he didn't know how long he was out for. 

He forcibly brought himself up and grunted in pain holding his stomach. He looked to see the tubes that we're in his body, he took them out and the clip that was part of the heart rate monitor. He slowly got himself up but he was struggling to keep himself up.

He heard the door opened as Doc walked in to see Y/N was standing up as he saw in shock.

Doc: Y/'re awake.

Y/N: I-I am......

Doc saw Y/N was about to fall until he grabbed him and put him back on the bed to keep him still.

Doc: Easy. Your still recovering.

Y/N: How long was I out for......

Doc: A month.

Y/N stopped and looked at Doc with Shock.

Y/N: A-A month!?

Doc: Your Abdomen took a heavy hit from the bullet. You should be lucky your even alive.

Y/N was still in shock to see that he was out for a month. 

Doc: Ela and Dokkaebi came to see you everyday.

Y/N: They did?

Doc: Everyday. Some times they would sleep ion here with you.

Y/N couldn't say anything. If he saw them in his dream and they were there for him when he was in a coma, what did it mean to him?


Y/N: Dad

Mathew: Yes Son?

Y/N: Why did you like Mum?

Mathew took in a whiff of his pipe and blew out a cloud of smoke.

Mathew: Come here and Sit on my lap.

Y/N did so and sat on Mathew's lap.

Mathew: I loved your Mother for many reasons. The First one was that we could trust one another. The second one beaning I loved her more than anything in the world. The third one was I could see in her eyes she had a loving heart. That's my why I loved your mother.

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