Chapter 21 (Q&A Below)

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Y/N was sitting in the passenger seat of a humvee thinking if Ela and Grace would be ok. A few hours ago he received a call on Dokkaebi Laptop from a White Mask Lieutenant named Eric. He had revealed to Ela and Dokkaebi kidnappers. He had given Y/N 48 hours to arrive at the destination, if he didn't Ela and Grace would be killed along with his child.

Zofia: Y/N.

Y/N: What?

Zofia: You know this is suicide.

Y/N: What else is there to do?

Zofia: We can find another way.

Y/N: No we can not. I have to play with his demands or I loose three people I care for.

Zofia: We can just-

Y/N: Zo! There is no other way! Ela is bleeding to death at this very moment and very likely she will die from blood loss! As for Grace, she has nothing but her bra and underwear on her in a room that is freezing cold and she will die form hypothermia, her AND the Baby!

Zofia looked at him with a shocked look.

Y/N: Eric has lost him mind! He lost his son in a war and he blames my Father for it!? Bullshit! He died protecting my father and his country! Eric is a man beyond repair! He's a wild dog that will to listen to anyone! And I'm putting the dog down!

Zofia looked at him with a sad face, he had a point. There was no other way to change this. Y/N would have to do what Eric said until he could get the girls to safety.

Zofia: We're here.

They pulled up to abandoned warehouse in a port. Y/N saw a white mask outside. He took in deep breath and got out of the humvee.

Zofia: Please bring them back safe.

Zofia drove off as Y/N walked towards the white mask. The white mask brought him inside. Y/N saw the warehouse was quite destroyed and lots of old containers were around and White Masks Everywhere. There Y/N saw Eric standing there in the middle.

Eric: Y/N. Welcome. So glad you could join us.

Y/N: Where are the girls?

Eric chuckled as he clicked his fingers as two white masks brought out the girls. Y/N saw they were not looking good at all. Grace's skin was a very pale white and she was shivering. Ela on the other hand was nearly holding on to her self from going unconscious.

Y/N: Girls!

Grace: Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/N.......

Y/N looked back at Eric with a very angry look on his face.

Y/N: You Bastard...

Eric: Now that you're here I can finally do what I've dreamed of for so long.

Y/N: Your son had fought to protect his country and my father. My Father tried everything he could to save your son. Do you think killing is gonna bring him back!?

Eric: Your Father ruined me! He left my son for dead! He should have died with him in the sand pit! And I don't care if he did to for his country! I wanted my son to come back from war! I can't kill your father but.....I can kill you.

In a Flash Eric pulled out a pistol and aimed at Y/N and shot him in the chest. As he fell back and played there 'dead' on the floor.

Grace: NO!!!!!

Eric smiled as he finally got what he desired. Grace had rage in her to move in the chair.

Grace: neoneun josimhaela !!!!! naegai uija-eseo naol ttae naneun sal-in-eul jeojilleossda !!!!!

All of a sudden everything happened so fast. The Glass broke on every window as the rainbow Operators killed every White Mask on the balcony and they rest were out gunned as the Operators had there guns trained on them.

Zofia: Eric! Drop the weapon now!

Eric then aimed at Ela who was unconscious.

Eric: Drop your weapon or she dies!!

Y/N suddenly rose up, pulled out his Glock and shot at Eric hand as he shot the gun out of his hand. Eric cried in pain as he grabbed his hand and made an attempt to get away. Y/N rose up and made a run for Eric.

Eric was running to a boat until Y/N had caught up to him and tackled him down onto the ground. Eric responded back with a Kick to get Y/N off him as he rose up as he rose up and got into his fighting stance. Y/N rose up with his gun and was just about to shoot until his gun clicked he looked to see his gun had gotten jammed.

Eric saw this as an opportunity as he charged at Y/N and pushed him down and the gun fell out of his hand as Eric started to attack with a barrage of punches, Y/N covered his face as the grabbed one of Erics punches and he elbowed him in the face pushing him back as Y/N rose up and went at him and hit him with a left hook then a right hook and kicked him.

Eric fell and tumbled back using that to roll himself back up as he pulled out a knife. Y/N walked over to him as Eric went at him to cut him. Y/N swiftly dodged his slashes as he looked for an opening. He grabbed his arm and twisted it in an awkward way making him drop the knife into Y/N's hand as he grabbed the Knife and stabbed Eric in the stomach and then pushed him down onto the ground.

Eric coughed up blood as Y/N had looked at him with look of sorrow.

Y/N: Why couldn't you just let him go?

Eric: *cough* No....I won't let go of my son.......he's the last I had......

Y/N: If you didn't go down this path your son wouldn't want to see you like this if he was alive.

Eric: Shut up......*cough*....I will join him in heaven.......

Eric slowly reached for his pocket to pull out a Grenade as he pulled the pin.

Eric: And you will join your father.......

Y/N looked back to look to see the grenade's pin was gone. The grenade exploded, the force of the blast was strong as Y/N flew back and straight into the water.





Grace had a robe over her to keep herself warm from the freezing cold. Zoifa was with her as well as Ela who's wounds were getting treated.

Zofia: How are you feeling?

Grace: Warm.

Zofia: Good..

Grace: *looks at Ela* What about her?

Zofia: She'll make it.

Just then an explosion had happened as the girls looked up to see it was behind the warehouse where Y/N had chased Eric. Grace had tears in her face.

Grace: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that's the end of the chapter. I hoped you enjoyed. Vote and Comment down below. And I would like to say that for getting 100 followers. I'll be doing a Q and A. So leave your questions down below in the comments and I will reply back to you.I'll see you in the next chapter

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