Chapter 6 : What have I done?

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A loud noise erupted in Y/N's Ears as his alarm Clock went off to Wake him up for him to train before Breakfast. Y/N got up and headed for the shower and  put his head under the shower head and let the Hot Steaming Water cover his entire Body. Y/N was in deep thought as What happened after the Fight.

Ash,Caviera and Zofia got their Punishments which was 4 weeks of no Simulation or Missions. Hibana, Frost and IQ got their something similar but it was 2 weeks. Most of the Male Operators and Ela and Dokkabei felt sympathy for Y/N after he revealed who was Abusing him.

After being under the Shower for 10 minutes. Y/N turned off the shower and got out and wrapped a towel around his waist , he stepped out of the room and Dried his Hair and the Rest of the Body. After cleaning himself Y/N got changed into his Gear and headed for the Canteen to get some breakfast.

When Y/N arrived at the Canteen he saw all most of the Operators were there apart from his Abusers. Not that he Cared anymore as that was over and done with. Again Y/N got his Usual which was Porridge and Fruit and a Bottle of water. He Sat down at his Usual Spot. He was Eating his Breakfast until someone walked over to Y/N. In fact it was Two people. He looked Up to see it was Blackbeard and Thatcher.

Blackbeard: Hey Y/N. Mind if we Sit with You?

Y/N gestured for them sit down. The Two of them Sat Down opposite to Y/N and they both looked at Him. Y/N was just eating His breakfast. So Blackbeard decided to break the silence.

Blackbeard: So how you holding Up?

Y/N: Fine.

Blackbeard: Are you sure?

Y/N: Why wouldn't I be?

Thatcher: Lad. You got Abused by those Fookin' Bitches.

Y/N: Those 'Bitches' are now Pussies. 

Blackbeard: Y/N......I should thank you.

Y/N: For what?

Blackbeard: For telling me that Meghan was Abusing you. Because... I was planning to ask her hand.

Y/N was in shock.

Y/N: You-You were gonna Marry Her?

Blackbeard: I was.

Y/N couldn't believe it. He just Ruined someones Life.

Y/N: Craig.......I'm very very sorry.

Blackbeard: Don't be. It's not your fault.

Y/N: It is! I just Ruined your life!

Blackbeard: No. It's not. It was Meghan's she brought it on herself. 

Thatcher gave Blackbeard a tap on the Shoulder. He told him to look at the Door and there they were. Ash, Cav, Valkyrie, Hibana, IQ, Frost and Zofia who had a Black eye on her Left Eye. Jager walked by them and looked at them in disgust. 

Jager: Why are you here you Schlampes.

IQ: Marius look I didn't mean to-

Jager: Don't talk to me.

He walked away from the girls while they went to go to the Usual Table getting Verbal Abuse from all the Operators. Most of it was given to Ash, Cav, Valkyrie and Zofia.

Valkyrie was coming over to Blackbeard. Y/N saw the Anger in Craigs Eyes even through his Glasses.

Y/N: This is gonna be Bad

Valkyrie: Hey Craig. I owe you your 70 Bucks. So here.

She handed him 70 Dollars to him. But he didn't take it.

R6S: Male Recruit (Abused and Neglected)Where stories live. Discover now