Chapter 17 : A Trip Gone Wrong

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Y/N: Again!


Y/N: Again!


Y/N: Time!

The two of the Girls fell down Breathing Hard after another Intense training session. Ela was feeling sore and Grace was as well. Y/N had recovered from his bullet wound but wasn't fully ready to go back on the field much to his disappointment.

After the girls called their training a day they got up and went to go and clean themselves up. It's been a few days sense their 'session' and they girls loved it. After the Girls got changed they caught up with Y/N, they went to the Shooting range and started to shoot their Gun's.

Dokkaebi had a ACOG Sight and a Muzzle Break with angled grip, Ela had her Scorpion EVO with a Reflex, Compensator and a Vertical Grip. Y/N was watching as he was looking up News on his Phone. He could hear the sound of their guns going off. Y/Nlooked up from his phone to see his HK 416 laying there on the Table. 

Ela: Don't hurt yourself your still recovering.

Grace: Please don't shoot your Guns until Doc give's you the word.

Y/N's eye twitched, he really wanted to shoot his Gun again. It's been Months sense he first shot the thing back on his first mission.

Shoot me. You know you want to.

Y/N was still looking at his rifle sitting there, it was almost the gun was talking to him.

One Mag won't hurt.

Y/N: Fuck it. 

Y/N walked over to the table and picked up his Rifle, turned off the safety and pulled the chamber and aimed down at the target. His Finger slowly pulled back the trigger and......



Ela: Y/N!

Y/N dropped the rifle and held his chest in pain. Ela and Grace ran over to him to see if he was ok. Y/N looked up at the girls only to be met with a Slap from Grace.

Grace: Idiot! Did you forget our promise!?

Y/N: Sorry.....I just had to shoot something.....

Grace: You're still recovering! Can't you just wait a couple of days until Doc gives you the word!?

Y/N: I...

Grace: Save it!

Grace stomped out of the shooting range in anger. Y/N was complete shook of how mad Grace was. Ela let him put a bit of his weight onto her.

Ela: I've never seen her like that.

Y/N: Neither have I.

Y/N and Ela were walking to the Dorm where Grace was there with her back turned. The two of them stood there while Grace moved her hand to her face.

Y/N: Grace.....

Grace: Do you even care for us?


Grace turned around with a simple face but Y/N could see her face, she was crying.

Y/N: Grace. I've been recovering for about a month. I haven't shot my gun for some time and I was in a Coma. Some people just don't listen to their Doctor's orders and I'm one of those people.

Grace said nothing until Y/N walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. At first Grace didn't know what to do, until she wrapped her arms around him as well.

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