Chapter 4: The Fight

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The next morning Y/N was up and just finished taking a Jog around the Base for about 20 minutes. He looked at His Watch to see it was 8:30am. He had till 1:00 to be ready for his fight. Y/N was fighting Zofia mainly because he wanted to make them feel his pain that he felt.

He also found out that his best friend Taylor was getting abused by the girls while he left, he was very angry to find out that his best friend was getting hurt by the girls.

While Y/N was on his way to go and get a big breakfast into him he was thinking about the Fight. He had fought other Recruits and won a few and lost a few. But to Beat Zofia? That was gonna be tough. Y/N also kept hearing a Voice in his head screaming at him.


Kill them was too much. But making them suffer. He can do. He had spent 3 months of hard training and learning Kickboxing moves. He would have to put his skills to the test.

Y/N had arrived at the canteen and saw it was already full with the recruits and the Operators. Y/N went up to the counter and got his tray and picked up a Bowl of Porridge and Fruit with a Bottle of water. Y/N walked to the Table he and his other friends with sitting at one of them being Taylor.

Recruit No.1: So Y/N. Is it really happening?

Y/N: What is?

Recruit No.2: Your Fighting Zofia at Lunch?

Y/N: I am. How did you know?

Recruit No.1: Word spread like wildfire man. It's Crazy. Most of the of the girls are saying Zofia will win.

Y/N: Will see....

?: Y/N.

Y/N looked behind him and saw a woman with Green Short Hair and another one with Glasses and a Beanie on her head.

Y/N: Ela and Dokkabei.

Ela: So your really fighting my Sister?

Y/N: I am.

Ela: Why?

Y/N: *To make her suffer...* I could use a Challenge and I think your sister can help me with that.

Dokkabei: Your crazy. You know that right? She undefeated among every operator she has fought. She has won 12 and hasn't lose one fight. 

Y/N: I see.

Ela: I'll give you some advice. My Sister had a Dangerous Chokehold.

Y/N: A chokehold?

Ela: She grabs the persons arm and she rolls onto the ground and Digs her Shin into the Person's Throat stopping their breathing completely, people can go unconscious from it. Please be careful. I don't want my sister to Hurt or even put someone unconscious.

Y/N: I'll be fine. I'll keep an eye out for her chokehold.

Dokkabei went up to Y/N's ear.

Dokkabei: Be careful out there.

Both the girls left and Y/N turned back around to finish his breakfast. He felt someone looking at his and saw the Recruits looking at him.

Y/N: What?

Later at 12:30pm 

Y/N was sitting in the changing room. He was gathering his thoughts on his fight. He was thinking how would he beat Zofia. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and put his Boxing wraps on his Hands. 

He then walked out of his changing room and walked into an old boxing ring that the Operators had that the operators have when they do some sparing. Many of the operators were surrounding the Ring. 

R6S: Male Recruit (Abused and Neglected)Where stories live. Discover now