Chapter 20: Kidnapper Revealed

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Y/N was quiet sitting in the cafeteria having his dinner. Looking at the other Operators who were minding his their own business. Y/N was worried Ela and Dokkabei were gone for 3 hours now it was getting late as well.

Zofia: Y/N.

Y/N looked to see Zofia behind him.

Y/N: What?

Zofia: Have you seen Ela anywhere?

Y/N: She said her and Grace were going into town to get some stuff for when the baby arrives. But they've been gone for 3 hours now and I'm starting to get worried.

Zofia: I think we should go and look for them.

Y/N: No. We'll give them another hour. If they haven't come back then we go find them.

Zofia: I hope nothing bad happen to them.

Y/N: Me too too.


Ela was slowly regaining consciousness. Her eyes flickered as she woke up, she immediately closed her eyes as the was to bright lights shining into her face. She tried to move but couldn't, her wrists and feet were strapped to a wooden chair.

Ela: Co to kurwa jest !? ( What the fuck is this!?)

?: Ah.....You're awake.

Ela: Who is there!?

A person came out to was a White Mask. But he looked slightly different from the rest. His white mask had a red mark going through his.

Ela: What the hell do you want!?

The white mask said nothing but gave a huge laugh. He then took off his Mask to reveal his face. Ela saw the man had ben through war with the large scar going across his cheek to his chin.

?: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eric. And I'm the lieutenant of the White Mask.

Ela: Untie me you dran! ( Bastard!)

Ela was slapped across her face. The cold air in the room made it sting even more. Eric grabbed Ela by her chin.

Eric: I think I should cut your tongue off.

Ela spat straight onto his face as reeled back and wiped the spit off his face and walked to the nearest white mask to him.

Eric: Is the other one still breathing?

White Mask: Yes Sir!

Eric: Good. Bring her in.

The White Mask ran out the door while Ela and Eric was still in the room.

Ela: What are gonna do? Use me as a way for Rainbow to meet your demands!?

Eric looked back at Ela with an evil smile.

Eric: It's more.....Personal.

Ela: What do you mean Personal?

Eric: It's more got to do with your boyfriend.

Ela: Y/N?

Eric said noting as he looked away from Ela.

Ela: What's he got to do with this!?

Eric: Not specifically him. But his father.

Ela: His father's dead.

Eric: I know. He died from Cancer at an early age. Such a shame...but that doesn't stop for what he has done to me.

Ela was now curious of where he was going with this.

Eric: My Son was part of his team when he was out on his first deployment. A few months when he returned he tells me the bad news that my son had been killed. He was ambushed by some Rebels and his father tried to save him but couldn't. He left him for dead, for that he killed my son. So I'm going to kill his son.

Ela: You Asshole!

Just then a White Mask came through with a girl over his shoulders she had cuts all over her body and had only her bra and panties on her. Ela realised who it was Grace.

Ela: Grace!

The White Mask had put Grace on a spare Chair and tied her up beside Ela. Grace was a complete mess. She had cut's on her face and a large Gash along her face. Ela saw she was slowly string up.

Eric: Ms. Nam. Wake up.

Grace was slowly waking up until she looked up to see Eric and looked at him with disgust.

Grace: You....

Eric: Now we're all together like a big party! Oh! Wait we forgot about our special guest. Roll the Camera.


It was 8:00 and Y/N was sitting in his dorm waiting and hasn't moved a muscle for at least an hour. There was a knock on his door. The opened to reveal Zofia.

Zofia: I think we should go and find them.

Y/N: Yeah. We waited too long now we need to go and find them.

Y/N got up and was about to leave until there was ring coming from Grace's Laptop. Y/N looked at it with a confused look. He looked at Zofia. She too was confused. Y/N walked over to her desk and saw it was a Face Time Call. The ID was Unknown. Y/N clicked the answer icon and he was meet with a black screen.

?: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Who is this?

?: You may know a Man around your age who was in your Father's squad.

Y/N: The Rookie? I remember him. Why?

?: I'm his father Eric. Do you remember what happened?

Y/N: Yeah. They were ambushed and I heard he died trying to save my father.

Eric: Wrong! Your father Left him to die!

Y/N: Well......I'm very sorry for your loss.

Eric: should be. He was the last thing I had until your father Took him away from me.


Eric: Sense your Father is dead and I can't make him suffer. I'll make you suffer.

Y/N was confused until the black screen was turned into a room with light with Two figures in the middle.

Zofia: Oh my God.


ELA: Y/N! HELP US!!!!!


Eric: I'd keep that temper under control if you don't want one of them to die.

Y/N: You......

Eric then appeared with a Knife in his hand. Y/N watched in shock as he stabbed Ela in the stomach with the knife as she screamed with tears coming out of her eyes leaving the Knife in her stomach.

Zofia: ELA!


Eric: Now listen here. In this room it's currently minus four degrees in this room. I want you to come to this location and come alone! If you bring any help. I will kill them. You have 48 hours and if I were you I'd better hurry until you want your soon to be mother die from Hypothermia or the other dying from Blood loss. Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock.

The Call ended. Y/N was angry. No. Angry wasn't the word to describe how he felt right now. He wanted to kill him. He wanted to see his blood on his hands! The fire that burned in his body was fuelling him.

Y/N: Zo.....

Zofia: I'm already on it. Nobody gets away from hurting my sister.

Zofia left the room as Y/N got up and went go and get his gear ready.

Y/N: Eric when I find you. I will show what hell is really like!!!

And that's the end of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Vote and Comment down below and I'll see you guys in the next Chapter.

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