Day Forty-Five (pt. 4) - Jet

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Things are not going the way they were supposed to. Elyse hurries off and I'm left standing in the courtyard, trying to come up with some way to fix this. Isaiah and Tasha. God, Tasha. She better be alright. After dragging her into this, I sort of feel like it's my fault she's in trouble.

My gaze wanders up to the sixth floor. The sun reflects off the glass of the windows up there. I don't know how I'm going to get up there. The whole floor is a restricted access area. I don't have the clearance to even make the elevator go up that high. There has to be a way...

Oh great, here comes Beck. He doesn't look happy. Which is nothing new, but this expression seems to be a more concentrated irritation than usual.

"Jet!" He stops me in my tracks, his body blocking the sun and shading me. "I'm on to you."

"I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound good."

"Damn right, it's not good." He squints at me. "I've seen you and that girl." He says the word like it's made of knives and physically pains him to have it come out of his mouth. "The Numb one."

"Well, Beck, I hate to break it to you, but there are lots of Numb girls in this place. You might have to be a bit more specific on that one." I think steam might start to shoot out of his ears pretty soon, with the way that vein on his neck is popping out.

"You watch yourself, Jet. I know you're up to something. You're a schemer. I knew it the second I saw you. And I'm going to catch you. You and the Numb girl."

There's not much I can say to him without either incriminating myself or getting myself punched in the mouth, so I don't say anything to him. He stares me down for a few moments. Then storms off. Once he's out of sight, my body sags.

My hands are trembling and I feel like I've just run a marathon and won.

We need to get things moving. Now.

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