Day Forty-Nine (pt. 5) - Jet

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I can't slept at all. There's a good chance I'm concussed. And I keep thinking about Elyse and what she could be going through right now. They know about us. They know about all of us. My face stings where a black eye is forming. The skin is tender when I touch it. They didn't bother with restraining me when they threw me in this cell. They didn't bother doing much when they tossed me in here.

My shirt collar is torn and my nose was bleeding at some point but has since stopped. When I wipe at it with the back of my hand, it comes away smeared with half dried blood. I lean against the wall, wincing when the motion puts pressure on a soft spot near my shoulder. I need to come up with a plan to get out of here and get Elyse. Tasha is here too. And one of Elyse's friends.

I cover my eyes with my hand. My head is pounding. My eyes sting when I shut them and I know what's happening. My lungs feel like they're being squeezed, my chest tightens. I hold my breath and wait for the helpless feeling to pass.

What can I do when I'm locked up in this room?

This whole plan was flawed from the start. What were Elyse and Krysta supposed to do once they got up here? There are so many Wardens wandering around. It's not like the two of them would be able to get out and just go running through the floor. There's also the keycard issues and the scanners. I should have done this myself—shouldn't have involved them.

God, I was so stupid to have involved them in this at all.

All I can do right now is hope that Elyse is alright and that I'm able to come up with a plan to get her and her friends out of here. I have to be able to get her out of here.

"I'm so sorry," I say to the empty room before my vision blacks out.

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