[01.00] [January 2, 2015]

429 3 0

I am screaming.

He picks up the gun.

I scream, thrash, claw at his defenses but he doesn't stop.

I watch through his eyes as he lays the lead deep into the heads of six women.

I fight because I am a verygoodperson, I am 32557038, I am 56898, and if I don't fightandthrashandclaw his sins become mine and then I cannot sleep and cannot breathe and cannot hope.

He brings us over to the bodies, leans over and harshly checks for a pulse. They are sleeping, the job is done, moveonmoveonnextnextnextsoldier. I'm dragged out of the building into a blazing street, screams and chants and hope fill the air. We are here to stop it. We regroup with the rest of our team. I know their names and cry when they have metal dragged through their brains. He does not.

The combat boots pound death into the earth, the rustle of uniforms whisper pain into the wind.

There are 13 more dead women. 32 men. 3 children. Dead at my his hands.

We return.

Nothing happened.

Nothing to say.

An Attempt at Sunshine  (Winter Soldier) (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now