[50.00] [December 25, 2015]

34 4 0

Tony decides to wake everybody up with an airhorn.

Some people are out of bed in an instant, other complain and come out with pillows to throw at him, he hides when Nat's door opens. We eat waffles with Nutella at five in the morning because we can and we talk and laugh until everyone arrives. I've almost forgotten what it's like to live any other way.

We all gather in the living area, and everybody looks at Steve. Apparently he always starts. He runs back to his room and comes out with an armful of packages wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine. Sam helps him pass them out and we all open them at the same time. I stare at the small brown package, almost unsure of how to start. I pull on the twine and it comes loose in an instant. Unfolding the paper, I only reveal another box.

I fumble with the tape holding the cardboard closed and finally get it off and open the box. Inside a wrapping of tissue paper sits two dog tags on a metal chain. I pull them out and stare at the familiar numbers, my name. I feel the cool metal between my fingers and smile.

Everybody's eyes follow my hands as I raise them to slip the chain around my neck.

"Where did you find them?" Tony wonders aloud.

"I stole them."

Everybody stares for a moment but he laughs.

"No, the Smithsonian owed me one."

"Thank you."

We stand on thin ice, each unsure of how to move. Wondering if each step will send us into the frigid waters below.

He breathes first.

"You're welcome."

I'm the one to stand up, but he's the one to initiate the hug. He's warm, burning almost. There's an awful lot of him and I feel like I'm going to suffocate for a moment, but I wrap my right arm around his back anyways. We stand still until Nat shouts an 'awww' from behind us.

Tony brings out his gifts, then Clint and Bruce and Nat and Thor. We seem to be going in order of seniority. Clint's gifts are surprisingly heartfelt and sincere, while half of Nat's are jokes. She's gotten Steve and I both Life Alerts. I don't know what it is but I laugh anyway.

I get a book from Bruce, a pack of Pop Tarts from Thor (with a note that says 'please stop eating mine'), Clint's made me a sloppy action figure of myself, and I assume it's because he found one of Steve. Tony got me a hoodie that says 'lol but ur not Steve Rogers', Steve thinks it's very funny. I got what looks like an essay from Wanda, but I only glanced at it and I can't be sure. Sam got me a pair of hair clippers, Pepper gave me a little blackbird figurette, and JARVIS got everyone a box a chocolates.

I head back to my room and take out the stack of envelopes and stare at them for a moment, not sure if I want to give them out or not. I carry them into the commons anyways. Ghost-boy looks over and stands to help me pass them out. Everyone is silent, unsure if they want to open it or not, like they're about to make a promise they're not sure they can keep.

"You can open them later..." I whisper to no one in particular. They all look at me gratefully.

"I hope you remember this. I really do."

"I will."

They all pretend they didn't hear.

An Attempt at Sunshine  (Winter Soldier) (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now