[37.00] [December 4, 2015]

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The quinjet comes to a stop, melting the snow around it. The back opens and four figures come flying out, silent as the grave. The snow doesn't crackle as they move, they barely leave footprints. A shadow crosses the sky.

I fly towards the east entrance, the stiff uniform is a strange feeling as I run, but it isn't uncomfortable. I breathe through the leather and wire I had to convince Steve to let me wear.

I lower my rifle, putting holes silently in the heads of the two scouts. It doesn't faze me. I kick the door down and keep moving, onetwothreeonetwothreeonetwothree. Natasha's voice crackles in my ears.

"North side underestimated, backup."

"ETA two minutes." Steve replies.

I keep moving. We simply have to take everyone out. That's the only way Hydra will surrender any of its compounds. I know this well. Four more bodies decorate the floor as I make my way towards the center of the building.

"Cap, we got six in motion headed towards the north entrance."

"Can you take them out Sam?"

"They're already in."

He curses and gunshots ring through the earpiece. I check the map once more before slipping through a door, just a few more corridors before i reach the main console.

"Uh, guys?" Bruce's voice is nervous and unsteady. "I've got unnatural heat signatures coming from the generators..."

"What does that mean?" Nat shouts.

"It means this place is going to blow. They're on the north side, you guys have got to get out."

"We're overrun!!" Steve calls.

"Barnes, it looks like you're close to the main panel, if you can get there soon you can disable whatever protocol is making the generators overheat. Looks like someone set it up purposefully."

"Okay." I push through another squadron, three men and one woman.

"Sam! Can you get in here?" Natasha says through the commotion on her end.

"I can't! They put the place on lockdown. I'm stuck outside."

"Meet me back at the jet." Bruce says "Nothing you can do now."

"Okay Barnes, you're going to take a left at this intersection and go through the door directly ahead. That's the control room."

I stop.

My breath hangs in the air.

He stares me down, rifle at his side.

Bruce's voice crackles through the air, but I cannot understand him.

You should have just died when I gave you the chance.

I lunge forward, firing two shots before letting the gun drop and making a move for his legs. I am fast, but he is faster. He moves, letting me crash into the red iron door, and sends a combat boot into my skull, I hit the concrete. He is over me in a second, his knife flashing towards my face. I block it with my left arm and the fabric of the suit tears. Metal meets metal in a bleeding screech.


I knock him off of me and reach for the door, but he grabs my calf and pulls me down, plunging the knife into the flesh. I hold back a scream and whip around, pulling out my own knife in a fluid movement, and sinking it into his right arm.


I scramble away from him and make another go for the door. A mass slams me right into the metal and shoots white through my vision. I push myself away from the iron and slam into the ground, him beneath me. I raise my fist for another blow and-

I roll over, the blast still ringing in my ears.

I look around franticly but he is gone.

I stand up, brush the dust off and look around.

The door lays on the floor, but the walls are intact. Concrete dust covers the ground. The control room is mostly put together, seems as though the shockwave just blew every pressurized door off its hinges.


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