[23.00] [April 19, 1992]

38 3 0

There are twelve girls in a line in front of me, ages ten to sixteen.

The largest stands at 5'8'', 170 pounds of pure muscle.

The smallest stands at 4'6'', 70 pounds of rage.

They call her паук. Черная вдова.

I fight them, one at a time, each with the same level of force. I am to stop when they can no longer move. Each girl goes down one by one. It is her turn last. She steps up to me, a glint of humor and fight in her eyes.

"Вы готовы?"

I almost smile before lunging out with a kick to her side. She uses her small size to vault off of my leg and crash into my chest, throwing me to the ground. In a blaze of red and black, she lands three blows to my head and two more to my throat. I pick her up in both hands and throw her to the ground, but she throws her hands behind her head and thrusts herself back upright, her head never skimming the concrete.

We spin deep webs of blood and violence between us, neither one hesitating. Perfect opposites of each other.

Once she turns eighteen we never train again. Though the memory of her fiery hair and fiery eyes remains.

I saw her once more, though. I put a bullet through her. She kept her hair red. 

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