[36.00] [December 4, 2015]

35 3 0

The punching bag goes flying towards the wall.

"Hey Bucky!"

Yes ghost-boy?

"Guess what?"


"Nick's letting you come with us today."

"To Serbia?"


"Oh. That's nice of him." I dust the sand off my hands and make a move towards the door. I am too tired to pretend today.

"We're leaving soon."


"It'll be good for you I think" he says, turning around to follow me. "Just another takeover, the old Hydra bases."

"Okay. I'll go get changed."

"Into what?"

"Don't they still have my uniform somewhere?"

"I-I don't know Buck. I can check if you want, though."


I push the door open and make my way down the hall.

"But-" He continues from behind me "Tony put together something new for you."

"No thanks."

"Buck! Come on, at least look at it."

I sigh. "Okay."

He leads excitedly, not bothering to knock at the door to the lab. The sound of a drill stops abruptly.

"Who's that??"

"It's just me Tony." Steve replies, trying to find where the voice is coming from. Tony pokes his head out from under an old car.

"Ah, lookin' for soldier boy's new suit?"


He smiles and clambers his way out from under the hunk of metal. Frost climbs up the left tire.

"Over here. JARVIS?"

Out from a wall of suits and other items emerges a glass tube, not unlike the others. Inside is a black carbon fiber uniform, built similarly to the one Steve wears. A white star, identical to the one on the chest of its blue twin, emblazons the left shoulder. The stripes, running out from under the star, wrap around the arm twice before ending at the hem. The rest is black, with intricate paneling and stitch work.

"What do you think?" ghost-boy whispers.

"I-" I try to ignore the frost climbing up the inside of the tube and the shadow crossing my vision, "I really like it."

They smile.

An Attempt at Sunshine  (Winter Soldier) (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now