Chapter three

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(Last chapter)

The raven haired boy spun around, with his back towards Jimin and Taehyung.
(Author's P.O.V)

Jimin felt like he was about to explode once he heard what the raven haired boy said to Taehyung.

"D-dumbass? A-are you fucking kidding me?!?" Jimin thought.

Jimin marched right in front of the raven haired boy. Taehyung tried to stop him by calling out his name, but Jimin simply didn't hear him.

"Y-yah! How about YOU watch where you're going! Can't you see he's obviously hurt? I wou-"

Jimin was cut off by a sudden impact on his chest and then his back.Jimin squeezed his eyes shut from the impact, but once he heard Taehyung yell, he opened his eyes.

Jimin saw Taehyung struggling from the brown haired boy who was holding him by the arms. Jimin immediately started to panic. Yes, Jimin gets scary when he's mad, but when he sees someone hurting his friends or family, he gets scared himself.

"Let g-go of me! You ass!" Taehyung tried to wiggle himself out of the boy's grip, but the boy was much stronger than him. Jimin later realized that the sudden impact on his back was a wall not too far from the school entryway.
Jimin looked at the raven haired boy who seemed to have only gotten much more bigger. Jimin got so scared and he felt even smaller. He hated losing...

The raven haired boy had both of his hands beside Jimin's head on the wall.
"Tell me...." He leaned closer to Jimin's face. "Why do you think you could talk to me that way?" The raven haired smirked when he saw Jimin slowly slide down the wall. He kneeled down in front of him. "Can't even handle a si-" The raven haired boy stopped talking when he saw a tear roll down the pink haired boy's cheek.

The raven haired boy was shocked...he didn't know what to do.

"P-please... ju-just leave us a-alone" Jimin said between his sniffles. Jimin looked into his eyes, and the raven haired boy could see fear in his eyes.
The raven haired boy instantly felt regret, it was as if the pink haired boy's eyes were telling him what he felt at that exact moment...

He quickly stood up and turned around. "Yah, Hoseok that's enough, let's just get to class" The brown haired boy looked at him confused. "What? I thought we were skipping today?" The raven haired boy looked down at Jimin who was shaking. "D-don't question me, let's just go"
The brown haired boy shrugged it off and let go of Taehyung's arms.
The raven haired boy looked at Jimin again, who was being comforted by Taehyung.
Hoseok shook his friends arm "yaahh~ Yoongi let's go"
Yoongi glared at his friend because he knew he was teasing him for looking at the pink haired boy. Yoongi knows whenever Hoseok's teasing him because his voice goes up 2 octaves higher.

"Shut the fuck up, let's just go" And with that, they both walked to their classes.

(Time skip)

"Jiminie, I told you to not try to get all angry and shit this year, now look where we are" Taehyung said as they both stood in front of the bathroom mirrors. Taehyung was cleaning his injured chin with a paper towel while Jimin was washing his face because of his dried tears. (A.N. I don't like to it when Jimin cries my poor heart)

"Sorry, Tae" Jimin mumbled. Jimin still couldn't believe he cried in front of that jerk. It was like the dude was winning just by seeing him cry, and Jimin hated that he could be seen so vulnerable.

Taehyung threw away the bloody paper towel once he thinks it's all cleaned up, and then put's an arm around Jimin's shoulder. "Jiminieee~ c'mon it's okayy
Where's that smile?" Taehyung cooed.
Jimin was still not in the mood, but he wanted Tae to believe he was okay so he tried his very best to give him his eye smile.

Jimin eyes widened when he felt fingers tickling his sides. I guess Taehyungie didn't believe his smile ;)

Jimin started laughing uncontrollably when Taehyung started tickling him even more."Y-yah! Okay I'm f-fHAHHAA" Jimin was laughing so hard that he couldn't breathe properly so he quickly showed Tae his eye smile once again, so he could show him that he was fine. And this time, he was.

"That's much better" Taehyung said
"Now let's get to class since we're literally 25 minuets late"
Jimin immediately started running, Poor Jimin just wanted to be a good student, but he thinks he can't do that now since he's late for the first day.

"YAAHHH" Taehyung yelled "WHAT'S YOUR CLASS?"
Jimin stopped running, he started breathing heavily even though he only ran for about 20 seconds. (A.N. Literally me at the gym)

Jimin quickly took his schedule out of his pocket. He quickly scanned it and yelled "HISTORY! ROOM 204!"
Taehyung quickly ran up to Jimin "YAHH ME TOO!"
"Tae you're literally in front of me! Please don't yell so loud" Jimin pouted.
"Hehe sorry! Anyways, we'll sit together?"
"For sure!" Jimin smiled.
(Time skip)

Jimin and Taehyung found the history room pretty quickly, so they both went in.
And by both, I meant Taehyung.
Jimin was still scared if the teacher will shame both of them for being late on the first day of school.
Taehyung looked back and gave him a sweet smile, as if he was saying "it's okay Jiminie"
Jimin immediately felt better and walked in with Taehyung, who was waiting in the front of the class.
Jimin shyly looked at the teacher and bowed "I'm so sorry! We know that it's the first day and it's very irresponsible to show up this late! I am-" Jimin was cut off by the teacher.
"Aww it's alright, don't worry about being late to my class because well, basically I get late here too so it's not a problem" the teacher winked at him "I'm Mr.Kim but you can call me Mr. Joon" the teacher smiled which showed off his dimples that Jimin found quite adorable. (A.N. Who else is soft for Namjoon's dimples? 🙋‍♀️)

"I'm Park Jimin!" Jimin bowed.
"And I'm Kim Taehyung" Taehyng bowed as well.
"Nice to meet you! Now, Taehyung you may sit next to Jackson at the front over there! And Jimin you may sit next to Yoongi!" He pointed to the very back corner and Jimin's eyes traveled to where his finger was pointing at.
Jimin immediately grew pale and his eyes widened, and so did the boy who heard his name being called.
Jimin could recognize that beanie and black hair anywhere.

"Min Yoongi! Please stand up so he can see you properly!" Mr. Joon said.

"Fucking perfect" Jimin thought.

OOOOOO *sips tea*

Yoongi how could you make Jimin cry hmph :(

Sorry! I couldn't post yesterday or the day before that! I was so stuck on what to write but I'm pretty sure I got the jist of it.
I hope you enjoyed!
I purple youu 💜
Take a shot of WATER whenever you read "raven haired boy" and "brown haired boy"
I said a shot of WATER okay? Hehe~
(1214 words)

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