Chapter eight

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(Previous chapter)

Yoongi felt his eyes getting heavier and heavier and the room was getting darker and darker, until he saw total darkness...
(Jimin's P.O.V)
I finished putting Yoongi's shirt in the dryer so I went back into the living room to check up on him. Once I stepped into the living room, I saw that Yoongi was laying down on the couch with the blanket wrapped tightly around him.

"Is he sleeping?" I whispered to myself.

I walked closer to the couch to get a better look. I looked down at Yoongi and my heart started to beat 10x faster than it already should be. He looked so peaceful, and his little pout while he slept was too adorable.
I stopped what I was doing and immediately shook my head.

"Yah, Park Jimin stop gay-dreaming! You don't even like him!"  I mentally slapped myself.

My stomach started to growl very noisily since I haven't eaten a thing because of the incident with Yoongi. Well, I did plan to eat with Tae but that's obviously not going to happen. I quickly go to the kitchen and grab a couple packs of ramen. My stomach was growling even more once I smelled the delicious scent of the ramen that's cooking in the pot.

"Ow! God dammit!"

I jumped from the sudden voice that disturbed the peace and quiet. I was slightly ticked off, but I quickly brush it off. I walk into the living room to see that Yoongi was sat up on the couch, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Y-yeah..." Yoongi said.
"You seem uncomfortable" I said, my eyes slowly traveled to his hand that was holding the side of his stomach.
"Well, I'm not, so stop assuming" Yoongi spat.
"Okay look, I'm doing absolutely nothing" I scoffed, walking up to him.
"And you still act like a damn- AHH" I felt something pull on my arm and the next thing I know, I'm on the couch.

I was slightly shocked from the sudden action but I was not going down without a fight. "Are you fucking serious?" I yell at him, getting up from the couch. He looked at me, unamused. "The least you could do is say thank you! You act like you're all high and mighty! And-" I was rudely cut off when Yoongi started to yell back.

"You had the choice to bring me here! And you're stressing over from me acting for who I am? I- Agh!"

I saw Yoongi grab the side of his stomach while exclaiming in pain. "Y-Yoongi?" I say, worried.
"D-don't" Yoongi held his free hand up to prevent me from coming closer.
I grabbed his hand that was holding me back and I move the hand that was on the side of his stomach.
"Oh my gawd" I said in shock.
One of Yoongi's wounds ripped open causing it to bleed again, even after I bandaged it up... it still bleed through. "I said.... don't..." Yoongi's voice sounded weak which made me worry even more. "No." I sternly said while carefully holding his waist with my arm and slinging his arm over my shoulder so I could walk him to my room.
(Author's P.O.V)

Once they were inside Jimin's room, Jimin carefully laid Yoongi down on his bed. Jimin felt horrible from the face expressions that Yoongi was making. It was so obvious that he was in pain.
"Yoongi..." Jimin said softly, while Yoongi looked up at him, holding back his whimpers.
"I need you to stop moving so I can look at it more carefully"
Jimin gently places his hands near Yoongi's wounds and he starts to look at it. "I think I have to stitch it up..." Jimin said.
"H-how do you know all of this?" Yoongi questioned. "My mom is a nurse so she teaches me some stuff about this." Jimin quietly said while he stood up "I'm going to get the first aid kit... again... so stay here" Jimin said, walking out of his room in a hurry.

Jimin jogged to the living room and quickly grabbed the first aid kit, and he also grabbed a towel from the bathroom. Jimin jogged back into his bedroom and set all the supplies on his desk. Yoongi's head shot up when he saw Jimin running in, he looked confused when he saw Jimin holding a towel.
"W-why do you have a towel?" Yoongi asked, he was slightly scared on what was going to happen. "O-oh..." Jimin placed it near Yoongi's mouth "you need to bite down on something..."

"W-what?!? It'll hurt THAT much?!?" Yoongi started to panic. "Yes, my mom doesn't have syringes for the numbing... I'm sorry Yoongi..." Jimin looked at his feet. Yoongi's face softened...
"I mean... at least he tried?" Yoongi thought.
Yoongi took a deep breath in, and slowly let it out. "Just do what you have to do..." And with that, Yoongi grabbed the towel that was near his head and bit down on it.

Jimin shook out all of him nerves and put on medical gloves. He carefully grabbed the needle and thread and he tied the thread to the needle. Jimin looked up at Yoongi, and he knew that Yoongi was terrified. Jimin felt bad for wanting to laugh because he thought Yoongi wasn't scared of anything.... but he was with needles.

"Brace Yourself" Jimin said, the needle coming closer and closer to Yoongi's wound.
Jimin took a deep breath and pierced the needle into Yoongi's skin, which made Yoongi let out a muffled scream. "I'm sorry!" Jimin said.

Jimin repeated the same step over and over again, until the black thread sealed the wound back together. Jimin looked up at Yoongi, who looked like he just saw a ghost. Yoongi's face looked 10x paler than it already was, and he was shaking uncontrollably. Jimin took out some bandages from the first aid kit and slowly bandaged Yoongi's stitched up wound. Yoongi slowly grabbed the towel and took it out of his mouth.

"That.... hurt..." Yoongi spoke slowly.
"I would be surprised if it didn't..." Jimin said, finishing up the bandage on his wound.
"It's definitely going to scar.... right?" Yoongi nervously asked.
"Not just that.." Jimin stood up when he was finished and pointed to all of the different scratches and cuts on Yoongi's chest and stomach. "Those will definitely scar.." Jimin answered.
"Oh..." Yoongi looked devastated.
"H-hey!" Jimin said, getting Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi looked at up with an eyebrow raised, waiting for Jimin to continue. "A-are you hungry? I made some ramen, but I had to do all of this so... I think I have to make another pack" Jimin shyly said. Yoongi's heart did a backflip when he saw how shy Jimin was being, where was the little feisty boy that he saw?"

"Uhh, yeah s-sure" Yoongi mentally slapped himself. "Why am I stuttering?" He thought.
"Alright! I'll make it then! And I'll bring it up here so you won't move as much" Jimin said.
"Oh... okay." Yoongi said. Jimin signed and crossed his arms, waiting for Yoongi to say 2 simple words. "What?" Yoongi asked when he noticed that Jimin was still standing near the doorway.

Jimin looked at Yoongi with a glare, still waiting...

Yoongi was confused on why Jimin was just standing there looking at him, but then it was like a light bulb lit up in him. "T-thank you... Jimin" Yoongi timidly said with flushed cheeks. Jimin felt his eyes go wide and his mouth slightly agape, he didn't think he would actually say it. Jimin quickly shook out of his thoughts, "You're welcome, Yoongi~!" Jimin beamed, showing Yoongi an eye smile before he skipped out of his room to make another pack of ramen.

Yoongi looked at the doorway that Jimin skipped out of. Yoongi chuckled slightly from Jimin's excitement.

"Cute..." Yoongi said.


Quick question...
Was this fluffy? Or not?

In my opinion, I thought it was kinda fluffy.

There may be a surprise for you later btw hehe~!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I purple you! 💜

(1363 words)

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