Chapter four

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Btw I just need to let my inner fangirl out because Mr. Jeon Jungkook is coming for my wig and I DON'T APPRECIATE THAT. Someone call 911 this man stole my heart.
Back to the chapter hehe~

Last chapter~

"Min Yoongi! Please stand up so he can see you properly!" Mr. Joon said.

"Fucking perfect..." Jimin thought.
(Author's P.O.V)
Jimin took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. The raven haired boy slowly stood up from his seat so Jimin could see him.
Jimin walked to the back and sat down next to the boy, who had already sat down.

"Okay class! Since we have everyone here! I'm going to choose people to come up to the front of the class and introduce themselves!" Mr. Joon said, in a cheery voice.

"Oh no..." Jimin thought.

Let's just say that Jimin's not the MOST confident person in the world. Jimin is very shy when it comes to these types of stuff, but he still tries no matter what.

"Okay how about you!" Mr. Joon points to the boy that's sitting next to Taehyung.

"Oh alright!" The boy stood up and walked to the front, "Hello! My name is Jackson, and I'm 17 years old! I hope we'll all get along" Jackson bowed and smiled charmingly at the class and went back to his seat.

It was now Taehyung's turn...

"Hello~!" Taehyung flashed a box smile, and everyone immediately cooed at how adorable he was. "My name is Taehyung! And I'm 16 years old!" He did a cute little pose, which was holding a peace sign up to his eye. (A.N. I hope y'all know what I'm talking about 😂)
(Time skip)
Jimin seemed to really like his classmates so far, they all seemed very nice and he hoped that he could be friends with them.

"Now, we have two people left so..." Mr.Joon put his hand on his chin as he was contemplating on who should go next. Jimin panicked so he picked up a book and hid behind it, praying that it would hide his tiny body.

Spoiler alert: It didn't

"Since, you're trying to hide. How about you go next? It'll be over before you know it!" Mr. Joon said while pointing at Jimin.
(Jimin's P.O.V)
I looked up from my book to see Mr. Joon standing in front of me, pointing his finger at me.
I mentally groaned because...

1. I am way too scared to go up there alone
2. What if everyone laughs at me?
And 3. One of the jerk's who bullied Tae and I IS. IN. THIS. CLASS.

What a great first day.

I mentally prepared myself.
"Okay Jimin you got this, you just have to introduce yourself and then it'll be all over!"

I took a deep breath and slowly stood up from my seat and walked to the front of the class.
I could feel ALL of their eyes on me, and I immediately start to turn red.

"Let's just get this over with..."

"He-hello! My name is P-park Jimin a-and I'm 16 years old!" I flash a smile when I finished my sentence and I hide my face with my hands so people wouldn't see my red face.

I felt my face go 10x hotter whenever I hear people whispering how cute I was, which didn't really help calm down my red face,but at least some people liked me.

I bowed to all of them, still not taking my hands off my face, and started walking towards my seat.

I was about 2 or 3 steps away from my desk when my foot, suddenly got caught on a backpack sleeve, and I started falling forwards. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact of the cold, hard floor, but I didn't feel it all. I felt something rather warm... and squishy...?

I opened my eyes to see the raven haired boy below me, looking at me. I was so shocked as to why he would even save me, since I thought he was just a jerk. But his eyes showed something different... those damn dark chocolate brown eyes....

His expression immediately changes and he pushes me off of him.
"Tch, I'll say it once and I'll say it again.."
He looks straight at me. "Watch. Where. You're. Going" He then stands up and walks to the front of the class.

"Never mind, you asshole..." I whispered and sat down at my desk.

"Everyone focus at the front! No need to talk about that, what's done is done" Mr. Joon said sternly. Everybody in the class immediately goes quiet, not wanting to anger Mr. Joon.

My attention goes to the front and I see the boy standing there with his hands inside his leather pockets, waiting for Mr. Joon.

"Alright, You may talk now" Mr. Joon said to the raven haired boy.

I see him looking at me for some odd reason, but whatever it was... I didn't like it.
I didn't want to listen to him, so I just picked up my book and ignored him.

"Hey everyone, My name is Min Yoongi, but I'm pretty sure you guys know that already..." I look up from my book, shocked from what he just said. "He seriously thinks he's all high and mighty? Ugh give me a break" I thought.
I looked around myself to see people whispering. Being the curious boy I was, I listened carefully.

"Oh my gawd, isn't he the boy who went to jail 20 times last year?" I heard a girl say.

"Did you hear he's the son of the CEO of a big company? I wonder how much money they make" I hear another girl say.

I scoffed at what they said.
There's just no way this guy is the son of a CEO, at least from how he's acting. I go back to my book, but freeze immediately.

Did they say...?
He's been arrested....?

Wink wink
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And also, I'm very very sorry that I didn't publish ANYTHING for like 5 days, haha sorry :,)
But, I promise I'll make it up to all of you!
And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them if you'd like! :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I purple you! 💜

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