Chapter eighteen

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(Previous chapter)

"I love you...Jimin..." He mumbled.

(Author's P.O.V)

Jimin giggled cutely as he stared at Yoongi with his arms around his neck.

"I love you too...." Jimin whispered as he pecked Yoongi's lips and removed his arms from his neck and continued eating his lunch.
Yoongi blushed slightly as he watched his boyfriend munching on the strawberry jello in front of him. Yoongi smirked softly and slowly wrapped his arms around Jimin, back hugging him.

Taehyung on the other hand...

Was losing his shit...

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE! THIS IS DEFINITELY GOING ON TWITTER!" Taehyung yelled out loud, gathering the attentions of nearby people. Jimin felt his cheeks heat up as he saw people stare at all 3 of them.

"Yah! Taehyung! Sit the fuck down!" Jimin said sternly as he covered his cheeks with his hands.

"Aish, fine" Taehyung pouted as he finished tapping a few times on his phone before sitting down, resting his head on the palm of his hand.

"What're you doing today?" Jimin asked as he slurped up the last bits of his jello.

Taehyung shrugged as he took a fry from Jimin's plate before popping it into his mouth, smiling as he heard Jimin's whines. Jimin stopped scolding Tae when he heard a little 'ding' on his phone. He was about to grab it out of his pocket but he felt it being taken out so he turned around to see his phone in Yoongi's hand.

"Here you go..." Yoongi mumbled sleepily before he nuzzled his head into Jimin's shoulder. Jimin cooed at the sight before he grabbed his phone from Yoongi.




Jimin tapped on the 'view' button before a video popped up in his phone. Jimin looked at the profile picture and rolled his eyes before he looked up at Taehyung.

"Are you serious Taehyung?" Jimin scolded.

Taehyung nodded as he giggled softly before eating another fry. Jimin rolled his eyes once again before he clicked on the video.

It was Jimin and Yoongi...

playing the pocky game...

Jimin felt his cheeks heat up as he continued watching the very, hot make out session he had just had with his boyfriend.

"Wow! They're getting it!"

Jimin shot his head up as he heard a boy, who was sitting on a table not too far away from them. The small boy had a phone in his hand, and that's all that Jimin needed to see before he ran up to the boy and covered the phone screen with his hands.

"No no! Please! Nothing to see there!" He exclaimed as he desperately tried to cover up the phone.

"Woah! They're dating?"

Jimin ran to another table and covered a girl's phone screen as she tried to pry his hands off.

Yoongi sat in the same spot where he was hugging Jimin as he looked at Jimin with amusement.

Falling for a rapper: m.yg x p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now