Family trip, Finale~ (M)

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y'all should know what the m stands for ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i'm a noobie at smut, so please don't judge :(

(highly unedited)

The taller male's eyes widened once he made eye contact with the blonde haired male at the bottom of the stairs.

"M-Min Yoongi? What a surprise!" He said as he made his way down the stairs, stopping when he was right in front of Yoongi.

Yoongi was still shocked from seeing his old teacher, but he shook himself out of his state and smiled widely, his gums protruding as he pulled the raven haired male into a hug.

Mr. Joon was taken aback by the action because from what he remembered, Yoongi was distant to himself and everyone around him.

The former teacher smiled and hugged Yoongi back before they separated from each other.

"Wow...You look so..." Mr. Joon stared at Yoongi with a fond smile on his face as he got a sudden wave of joy wash over him.

"So...mature..." He finished with a small chuckle at the end.

Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, but he was quickly cut off when he saw Jimin hopping down the stairs in a child like manner with the cutest pout on his face that Yoongi cooed at as he had the sudden urge to just kiss his pout away. The three males brought their attention to the bouncing boy as he hopped off the last step.

"Yoongi~" He whined as he reached out for his boyfriend. Yoongi gladly took Jimin into his arms and wiped his fringe off of his forehead, "What is it love?"

Jimin huffed, which made his cheeks puff out and Yoongi wanted nothing more than to squeeze the daylights out of the squishable fat.

"I forgot to bring dress I had to put these on..." Jimin pointed down to his feet which were snugged with white converse. Yoongi bit his lip to stop from laughing as he got slapped in the chest.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry!" Yoongi said, but he continued to laugh when he saw Jimin's expression. Jimin crossed his arms across his chest and dragged the tip of his shoe on the wooden flooring.

"Shut up" he mumbled as he looked down at his feet. Yoongi smiled, exposing his gums as he wrapped his arms around Jimin and placed a shower of kisses onto his face, pecking his lips last before he rested his head on his shoulder.

Mr. Joon and Jin were standing there, admiring the young couple. Mr. Joon's dimples were in full display as he smiled softly at the moment before he choked on his spit when Jin hit his chest.

He coughed and looked over at Jin who was glaring at him, but it didn't exactly scare the younger because well...Jin looked like an angry kitten. Mr. Joon held back the urge to squish his lover's cheeks and Jin spoke, "why don't you do cute stuff with me?"

Mr. Joon scoffed and wrapped his arms around Jin's waist before pecking his cheek.


Jin huffed and looked away, but Joon could still see the development of a pink shade forming on his husband's cheeks. They both turned their heads when they heard a dramatic gasp, and once they did so, they saw Jimin pointing a stubby finger towards the raven haired male with his mouth wide open as he sputtered.

"W-what!? W-wait!" He looked between Yoongi and Mr. Joon frantically.


Yoongi chuckled and rested his chin on his confused boyfriend's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around his waist. Jimin was still perplexed as he allowed himself to be squished against Yoongi's body. Mr. Joon gave him a dimpled smile as he awkwardly unwrapped his arms around Jin and reached out for Jimin.

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