Chapter 6: Hickey

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“Lila,” a familiar voice said, and I turned around to see Blake smiling at me. Or rather, smiling over my shoulder. I scrutinized him for a moment before I realized something.

Blake was blind.

“Hi, Blake,” I said uncertainly, not quite sure how to act around him. He was a vampire after all, and the only vampire I’d ever been around was Wyatt, so I was unsure what to do or say around Blake.

“You’re early,” he commented, putting his hand under my elbow as he guided me inside Mr. Tanner’s music room.

It was Monday morning, the first day back at school. Almost as soon as I woke up Wyatt had left, not before giving me another heart pounding kiss though.

“I wasn’t quite sure what time the meeting was at so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to make sure it hadn’t started already.”

He grinned briefly, “Jake!” he called, and a boy with brown hair and green eyes turned to face me. “This is Lila, your replacement singer," Blake said, “Lila this is Jake, he’ll be playing the guitar while you both sing.”

“Hey,” Jake said, smiling at me.

“Hi,” I said shyly, looking down at my feet.

“Lila!” another voice said and I turned to see Mr. Tanner behind me, grinning. “I trust you had a nice, relaxing vacation?”

I struggled to keep the smile on my face. Being kidnapped and nearly killed wasn’t my idea of a nice, relaxing vacation.  Or anyone's for that matter. And the parts with Wyatt were far from ‘nice’ and ‘relaxing’, they were ‘freakin’ amazing’ and 'awesome'.

“It was pretty...good,” I replied. I survived the holidays and had spent plenty of time with a cute boy...what more could a girl ask for?

“Good!” Mr. Tanner said cheerily, “Feel free to take a seat, the meeting should be starting in a few minutes.”

I nodded and pulled myself up onto one of the desks while Jake sat on the desk next to mine and Blake leaned against the one in front of me.

“So…you have a boyfriend?” Jake asked casually.

I blinked in surprise, “What?”

Jake chuckled, “Do you have a boyfriend?” he repeated.

Blake sighed, putting a hand over his eyes as he shook his head.

“Um…” I had no clue what to say to that. “Why are you asking?”

Jake nodded at me, “Well, I was just wondering where you got that hickey.”

My eyes flashed open and I immediately clapped a hand over the left side of my neck. I had totally forgotten about my hickey! My cheeks darkened and I moved my hair so it covered most of the left part of my neck.

“So, did your boyfriend give you that or just a random guy?” Jake prodded, looking amused.

“Jake, I don’t think she needs to be bothered by you at this early hour of the morning,” Blake said, shaking his head at Jake. “Besides, she’s smart. She’d know better than to hook up with you.”

Jake pretended to look hurt for a moment, “I wasn’t asking so I could come on to her or something. I just got back with my girlfriend over Christmas break and there is no way in Hell I'm going to let anything ruin that.”

“Alright everybody, listen up please!” Mr. Tanner called, cutting off what ever Blake was going to say. The meeting started and he went over all the practice times and important information with us before we were finally allowed to leave. And as we were leaving he reminded us that there was an assembly first period concerning the schedule change.

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