Chapter 37: Smother Him With Niceness

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“And we can only see each other, we’ll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need another when we’re the special two,” I bobbed my head to the song playing on my cell phone. It was the same song I was singing to Wyatt a while back in my room before all this chaos started with Caleb.

Most people would wish to go back in time to that time when it was relaxing and it was just us two, but I didn’t. Because then I’d have to relive this horror with Caleb again. I wanted to shoot forward into the future and see if I actually managed to save Wyatt. And if I did, then I wanted to stay there with him. And if I didn’t…well…I wouldn’t mind going back in the past but changing everything to prevent this from ever happening.

As I walked into school, my earphone was suddenly pulled from my ear and I yelped in surprise, head whipping in the direction that the earphone was pulled out of.

Blake grinned, “Relax, it’s just me.”

“Jeez, Blake, you almost gave me a heart attack!” I exclaimed, hand over my chest.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, “I was calling your name but you never answered.”

“Oops, I guess my music was a bit louder than I thought,” I chuckled, the winter wind blowing my hair into my face.

I impatiently shoved it back behind my ear as we walked into the building and he put my earphone in his ear.

He listened for a moment, bobbing his head along to the music, “This is a really good song,” he said, surprised.

“Yeah, I love it,” I said honestly, feeling slightly sad as I once again remembered Wyatt.

“You know,” he said slowly, looking thoughtful, “We could do this for the dance.”

I arched an eyebrow, “Seriously?”

“We can always try it; it’s amazing,” he said enthusiastically.

“But I wanted to do another song where we both sing,” I pouted.

He pursed his lips for a moment before he lit up again. He took my hand and rushed off down the hallway, me stumbling after him at high speed.

“Blake?” I asked as he continued quickly down the hallways, earning us weird looks from everyone.

“I’ve got an idea!” he announced excitedly as we pulled into the arts section of the school. He turned down the music hall until we reached our usual room. He opened the door with a huge grin and I hurried inside with him right on my heels.

“What’s this all about? That’s the second time I’ve ever seen you go any faster than a walk in the hallway,” I remarked as I pulled my coat off.

He tossed his coat on the chair that we kept forgetting to get rid of when Wyatt sat in on our practice, before he sat down at the piano bench.

“Play that song again,” he said, fingers tapping quickly against one of the keys without making any noise.

I unwound my scarf from my neck as I unplugged my earphones, playing the song from the beginning out loud.

He listened to the whole song one time before he started to play the beginning. I played the song a few more times before he started to get the hang of it, but he still played the song slightly slower than the normal version.

“At lunch I’m going to print out the lyrics and we’ll work on this then, okay?” Blake asked as the bell rang, signalling that we had seven minutes to get to our first period class.

“Um…okay then,” I said, still mystified, “Are you going to tell me your idea then?”

He grinned, “Yes, I just have to plan it out first.”

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