Chapter 22: Together Forever

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I slept better last night than I ever had since all this trouble with Caleb started. In turn I felt much better as well. More energized and positive, like I could actually do something productive and helpful for once, instead of always focusing on the bad how I had no clue what to do to save Wyatt.

But I tried not to think about that too much and instead focused on trying to find solutions.

Before I left the house for school, I crossed another day off my calendar. 29 days until the end of the world.

Well, that was what it felt like anyways.

I bounded out of the house and into the icky, wet, snowy and freezing morning. It was so cold that even I felt it. Obviously, it was absolutely artic outside if it meant that I felt cold as well. But nonetheless, I kept up my good mood for the entire morning. My pack was very surprised, as well as confused, as to how I could go from being a total robot to being my usual self again.

Not that they were questioning it. I think they were afraid to ask why my mood had changed so drastically in fear that I might slip back into that stone faced statue again.

I’d admit, I was afraid I was going to go back to that unemotional state again and I suppose that’s why I was positively bouncing around all day, trying to make the most of my mood while it lasted.

And since I was impatient to share a few of my ideas with Blake, I skipped over to his table early. Of course, I had totally forgotten about Caleb until the vampires looked up at me in shock and disgust.

Of course, the moment I couldn’t turn tail and run was the moment I remembered why I shouldn’t be at their table. The very reason was sitting right next to where I had stopped.

I took a deep breath and took a quick peek at Caleb. Or should I say, Wyatt. Seeing those bright silver eyes made me feel giddy all over again and I forgot about the death glares I was getting from Roxanne and Lea.

“Hello!” I said cheerily, “Mind if I borrow Blake?”

Wyatt blinked up at me, looking confused as he frowned. “Go ahead,” he said slowly.

“Thanks!” I turned to Blake, “Come on! I’ve got an idea!”

“Ah, I best hurry then before it slips away,” he teased as he stood.

I hit his arm, “Don’t be mean."

He stuck his tongue out at me, well, my general direction, as he scooped up his lunch.

“I’ll see you all later,” Blake said, nodding.

Roxanne glared at me while Lea dropped her glare and simply looked annoyed, scowling at her plate of food. I grinned broadly back at Roxanne and Wyatt smiled slightly. It was nice to see him smile again.

“Bye, guys!” I said, still grinning as I looped my arm through Blake’s and skipped on ahead. He struggled to keep up with me while maintaining a brisk walk.

“Come on, Blake! Stop walking and be wacky for once,” I said, increasing my speed.

“You’re so childish,” he sighed dramatically before he started skipping with me.

Now let me tell you, seeing calm, quiet Blake skipping down the hallways was definitely a sight to see. Especially when I started to sing; “We’re off to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!” and he joined in loudly.

We continued to skip, sing and laugh all the way to the music room, getting incredibly strange looks from everyone milling in the hallways, but not particularly caring.

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