Chapter 11: Pinky Swear

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Watching Matt and Ivy interact with each other had to be the funniest thing I’d ever seen. They were constantly flirting and cracking jokes, even touching each other’s arms and hands while they talked. When Ivy went to her room to go do homework I called Matt on it.

“You were totally flirting with my sister!” I said excitedly, bouncing on the balls of my feet. They were so adorable!

“I was not!”

“Was too!” 

“Was not!” 

“Was too times infinity and one!” I cried.

“Damn it!” Even he knew you couldn’t beat infinity and one.

“Yes!” I cried victoriously.

Matt put his head in his hands, “Can we just focus on the French project?” he asked feebly.

“Uh…no! When did you start liking Ivy?” I asked, leaning towards him eagerly.

He exhaled, rubbing his eyes, “I don’t know. I’ve barely spoken to her until recently…but how about we talk about this after we’re finished the project, okay?”

“Fine,” I growled, and we set about doing the project.

Matt was one damn sneaky werewolf. His dad was supposed to pick him up at about six o’clock on his way home from work, but his car broke down on the highway so by the time they got it towed it was pretty late and now they didn’t have a car to pick him up with. Instead of us driving him home, we simply decided he’d stay the night at our place.

So we ended up finishing the project, but we did not talk about Ivy, mainly since I forgot. We did watch movies though (Matt’s suggestion…obviously a ploy to make me forget about Ivy and the flirting), and Ivy came downstairs to watch it with us. Ivy sat in between Matt and I, and Matt had his arm slung around the back of the couch, around Ivy’s shoulders.

I remembered that we didn’t talk about her at that moment, but by the time the movie ended I forgot. But I did remember something else incredibly important.


I whipped out my phone so fast I nearly threw it across the room and immediately sent him a text telling him he couldn’t come over tonight since Matt was spending the night here.

He sent a message back telling me it was okay and that he’d see me tomorrow night instead.

I tried to swallow my disappointment and enjoy the night with Matt, but decided I wasn’t really up to socializing anymore so I went to bed and left Ivy and Matt alone.

Wyatt couldn’t come over because then Matt would know he was here, and Matt could not know Wyatt visited me at night or even talked to me or anything.

I sighed as I slid into bed, alone again. For the next week I ended up sleeping alone since Wyatt and I always had something come up that disabled us from seeing each other at night. Of course, I barely slept since I was so worried about Wyatt. He seemed to be getting worse and worse with each passing day; his coughing became more frequent, he was more and more tired and sluggish, and he had stumbled several times during the week.

By Saturday night was in the worst mood in history. I wanted to see Wyatt and not seeing him was making me crazy, not mention the lack of sleep and the constant worry about him.

I was thankful no one was home to see me in my bad mood, but that also meant I had an empty house, which made my bad mood worse knowing that I was still alone.

So, with nothing better to do, I went to bed early. I woke up a short time later with someone playing with my hair.

My eyes flew open in shock and I saw Wyatt looking down at me with a wide smile in the dark. My bad mood suddenly disappeared and I felt better than I had in days. I reached one hand up and tangled it in his hair, pulling him down to me.

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