Chapter 13: Snow Day

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I fidgeted in Wyatt’s arms as we both groaned, neither one of us wanting to get up and go to school. Footsteps thudded down the hallway, stopping abruptly outside my door.

“Lila?” I heard Ivy ask timidly as she knocked on my door.

Wyatt and I bolted into a sitting position, both suddenly wide awake now.

He leapt out of my bed, scooping up his pants and shirt as he hurried to the bathroom, closing the door behind him quietly.

“Yeah?” I called back to my sister.

“It’s a snow day!” she cried excitedly.

“Seriously?” I asked, my mouth hanging open in shock.

“Seriously!” she exclaimed from the other side of my door.

I blinked again, scrambling off my bed to my window, pulling back the curtain to see a snowstorm blowing furiously outside.

“Well, in that case I’m heading back to bed."

“You’re boring!” she replied.

“Who cares?” I called back, waiting, frozen in front of the window until I heard her sigh and stomp down the hallway.

I exhaled in relief and looked back out the window, feeling two arms wrap around my waist.

“Well, look at that,” Wyatt said, kissing my neck, “No school today. Whatever should we do?”

I chuckled, “You really shouldn’t be here so I don’t know what you’re going to do.”

“Actually, I told my parents I was spending last night at a friend’s house,” he said and I turned my head to see him grinning impishly at me.

“I knew you had something planned,” I said, dropping the curtain before unwrapping his arms from around me. I settled back into bed with a sigh, curling into a ball while Wyatt slid in next to me and pulled the blanket over us.

“So what do you want to do?” he asked curiously.

“Honestly? I want to go shower,” I yawned, “But I do not have the energy to do so.”

“Hey, I could always help you shower,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I pretended to think about it, “No thanks."

“Ivy’s right. You are boring."

“Well, if I’m so boring then maybe I should go hang out with my sister instead and then we’ll see just how bored you’ll be on your own,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

He leaned towards me, biting my tongue before he kissed me. I just lay there in shock until he pulled away after a moment, chuckling.

“I take it back then,” he said, wrapping his arms around me again.

“Good, now if you don’t mind I think I actually am going to go shower,” I said, sliding out of his arms. 

He groaned, “Don’t leave me,” he said over dramatically.

I slid off my bed and turned around, looking him over once. His brown hair was a total mess, sticking up in all directions and although he looked tired with the bruises under his eyes, he looked happy where he was; in my bed in only his boxers.

The thought made me blush and I hurried to my dresser, snatching clothes before I made my way to the bathroom. Just as I was about to step into the bathroom my legs were suddenly knocked out from underneath me.

I yelped in surprise as I suddenly came face to face with Wyatt. He grinned impishly before he kissed me, setting me down on my feet but never once pulling away; in fact, he pulled me even closer against him.

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