Chapter 30: Testosterone

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“Alright, spill,” Natasha said as she sat me down on her bed and flopped next to me while Tucker closed the door and sat down on her chair.

“Um…” I said hesitantly, eyes flicking to Tucker.

He sighed, “I know you aren’t quite human, Lila. Besides, anything you say in front of me I won’t tell anyone else. Not like anyone would believe me anyways."

I bit my lip for a moment before I let out a puff of air, pulling my sleeves down to cover the puckered scars of my arms and backs of my hands, “Well, Caleb paid me a visit last night and today.”

Natasha touched my face gingerly, her pretty face creasing, “He did that to you?”

“Slammed me against the floor. Repeatedly.”

“Caleb? That little son of a—” Tucker cut himself off, flashing me an apologetic look, “I mean, the demon who tried to kill…” he trailed off.

I nodded, “He was in my room and decided we needed to have a little ‘heart-to-heart’ to use his words.”

“What did you talk about?” Natasha asked, her black eyes searching mine.

“You,” I said simply, “And how you were mates.”

Anger flashed across her face but she wiped it away quickly, “Why?”

“I don’t know,” I said, rubbing my left temple where a head ache was starting to form, “He just…told me about it and I was punished for interrupting him.”

“Wait a second. You were that psycho’s mate?” Tucker asked, his brown eyes widening in horror.

Natasha’s face was pained, “No, it wasn’t like that. We didn’t love each other we just…stayed together. Like companions. We used to be practically the same person so we stuck together for a long time.” She shook her head, “But that’s in the past. I’ve changed now. I’m not the way I used to be.”

“Look, what happened then wasn’t important,” I said, cutting in when I saw Tucker open his mouth, “I need your help Natasha. That’s why I came.”

She nodded mutely, her black eyes tightening visibly, “What do you need?”

“Information,” I said, taking a deep breath, “This,” I pointed to my face, “Can’t keep happening. My friends are worried and they really don’t want me around Caleb. I need to learn how to defend myself better without hurting him. And if I can’t restrain him or defend myself then I need to learn how to fight him.”

Natasha took my hand and squeezed it, “I’ll try my best,” she said, “I know you don’t want to hurt him because you don’t want to hurt your soul mate, but I’ll try and teach you how to stop him with the least amount of pain possible.”

 “Thank you,” I said gratefully.

“Soul mate?” Tucker asked, eyebrows arched, “Please tell me you’re not being serious.”

I met his gaze steadily, “You know I’m not human, Tucker. Soul mates are just a part of what I am.”

“What are you?” he asked curiously.

I hesitated the briefest moment, “A werewolf,” I said finally.

He blinked, “You don’t look like one.”

“What? Because I’m not hairy and don't have a long snout and paws?”

“Well, I was picturing something along those lines…” he said sheepishly.

“A little tip, Tucker, Hollywood never gets things right,” Natasha chuckled before she turned back to me, “Anyways, if you’d like we can start training now or tomorrow.”

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