Chapter 10: Five Things

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I woke up alone the next morning and went into the bathroom, feeling completely dead inside as I stood in front of the mirror.

My eyes were half-closed and bloodshot, bruised underneath from lack of sleep and from crying so much. My hair was a tangled mess and I looked pale. I stuck my tongue out at my reflection, seeing the bloody teeth marks on it from when I bit it to keep from crying out last night.

Stripping off my clothes and I rubbing my swollen eyes, I stepped into the shower. I took a hot shower, hoping the scalding water would wake me up some more. I stepped out of the shower, no more awake than when I'd gotten in, and dried myself off, wrapped a towel around me and then headed back into my room for clothes.

I dressed in all black, resorting back to the way I used to dress back when Caleb had been haunting me. Fortunately, I had a plethora of dark colored clothes.

I toweled dried my hair quickly and left the bathroom without brushing it since I liked to let my hair dry naturally. It usually turned out slightly curled and looked pretty nice.

Once downstairs, I went through my usual motions of making breakfast, a cup of tea and a slightly burnt toast, feeling unsettled by the peaceful quiet of the morning. I sincerely wished someone would come and wreck the silence. I wasn’t used to getting up early and being by myself. I was used to waking up with Wyatt next to me.

My stomach twisted as I thought about last night and I looked down at my bruised wrist.

I had had to shower one-handed since my wrist hurt too much to wash my hair with. It was different shades of blue, purple and even almost blackish color in some tiny spots. I could barely even bend it anymore, so I had no idea how I was going to write at school today.

For about half an hour I sat there, letting my mind wander on trivial topics, straying far away from the big sudden problem in my life.

Footsteps sounded from the stairs and I panicked, yanking my hoodie on over my head. I pulled my hair out from underneath the hoodie, pulling the sleeves down to make sure it covered my bruised wrist.

I picked up my cup with my left hand and set it on the plate I had put my toast on, and carried the plate and cup to the sink one handed while Ivy stumbled tiredly into the kitchen.

“Goodmorning,” she yawned, dragging her feet as she walked past me, dumping a bagel in the toaster before she wandered to the fridge and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

“Goodmorning,” I replied, “I’m going to go brush my teeth.” I announced. Ivy nodded tiredly and I bounded out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room.

I brushed my teeth awkwardly with my left hand as I realized just how dependent I was on my right hand. Too bad I wasn’t ambidextrous. That would certainly solve some problems.

I finished brushing my teeth, slipped on some chapstick since I had chewed too much on my lower lip, again, and it was busted.

Fortunately, being a werewolf meant I healed fast. Plus, whenever my lip was busted or something, Wyatt and I would kiss…obviously his saliva would touch my lips and mouth…so my lips were usually healed everynight because of that little factor.

Now of course, I had no clue what was happening tonight. Wyatt was coming over, he’d told me that much. As for what we’d do…well…I wasn't so sure about that.


“Jeez, Lila. What happened to you last night?” Jared asked, frowning at me as I took my seat at the cafeteria table.

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