Chapter 38: Unconvincing

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I shot to my feet, “What did he do?”

She shook her head furiously, “I’ll explain later. You have to come now!” she pulled me behind her while Blake followed behind us, all three of us sprinting.

She let go of my sleeve as I sprinted after her through the halls until we reached the front entrance. We shot through the doors outside and she lead us around to the back of the school.

I could hear panting and groaning and someone sobbing. Fear stabbed at me as I shot around the corner, slamming on the brakes as I took in the sight before me.

Caleb stood with a gleeful grin on his face while Jared and Matt lay on the ground panting, muscles jerking and tight as they practically screamed in pain, eyes closed with blood running down their cheeks. Dakota sat on her knees between them, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed, fear and pain contorting her sweet face.

“Caleb!” I shouted.

His gaze shifted to me and the gleeful grin widened, “Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it amazing?”

I strode forward, Mirah and Blake flanking me on either side.

“What have you done?” I whispered, looking at my pack on the ground. Mirah went to Jared, cupping his face in her hand while tears filled her eyes. I fell to my knees, cradling Matt’s pain filled face. Blake went to Dakota, speaking softly but not touching her.

“I told you that the games were starting,” Caleb purred, “And I’m only fighting fair.”

I ignored him and focused on Matt, brushing his sweat dampened hair off his face, “Matt,” I whispered, “Matt please, calm down. I’m here.”

He groaned again, head shaking jerkily from side to side as the veins stood on in his neck and arms, puckered scars protruding from his skin.

“Matt, come on. Everything’s okay,” I whispered, wiping away his bloody tears.

But he didn’t calm down. He didn’t so much as look as if he heard me.

I stood, hate shooting out to Caleb, “What have you done to them?” I cried as Dakota started rocking herself back and forth, still sobbing while Mirah was trying in vain to get Jared’s attention and Blake moved to stand downwind helplessly.

“I haven’t done anything,” Caleb said innocently, “I was simply talking to them when they started to Change.”

I lunged at him, hand going around his throat as I slammed him back into a tree. Surprise flashed across his face in that split second and he struggled against me, but I grabbed his hand by the wrist and pinned his other hand between our bodies.

“What did you do?” I hissed, slamming his head against the trunk.

His eyes flashed flat black, “What difference does it make? You’re going to have two full werewolves on your hands in a few minutes so why are you focusing on me?”

“Because you’re the cause of all this,” I spat, “This is all your fault.”

“No it’s not,” he sneered, “This is your fault. This burden rests on your shoulders not mine. I wasn’t the one who went a little too far into the forest. I wasn’t the one who came back to tempt me.”

His upper lip curled back, “I wasn’t the one who ran away from your beloved Wyatt when you didn’t believe him.”

“So you see, the blame falls not on me but on you, my dear,” he said, meeting my gaze with his glittery black eyes, “My hands are clean.”

“As are mine,” I said, my hand tightening on his throat, “Yours look clean, but you have the blood of hundreds on your hands.”

There was a loud yelp from behind me and my head turned to look. Taking advantage of my distraction Caleb shoved me off of him and took off running.

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