Chapter 25: Swapped Spit

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Just as Blake started to lean towards me, my heart started pounding and my body started to shake even more. Then the phone rang.

I jumped away and leapt over the couch for the phone. Seriously, I actually jumped over the couch. I didn't even realize it till I was mid-vault over the damn thing.

“Hello?” I asked breathlessly.

“Lila?” Dad asked.

“Hi, Dad,” I said, exhaling in relief. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to let you know I was coming home, but to tell your friends to stay the night again."

I frowned, “Why? What happened?”

“There’s a snowstorm blowing in and I don’t want any teenagers driving around in it,” he explained, “So I’ll be home in about fifteen minutes okay?”

“Okay, bye,” I said, hanging up.

“Um…” I turned to everyone, putting my shaking hands behind my back, “Everyone is sleeping over tonight because there’s a snowstorm coming in and my dad is going to be home in fifteen minutes.”

“Damn, you guys sure get a lot of snow storms here,” Catherine commented.

“You should have seen during the last one,” Ivy laughed, “It wasn’t even that bad but they called for a snow day.”

I froze in my way around the couch. The last snowstorm had been a day I’d spent with Wyatt in my bedroom and then outside playing in the snow.

My eyes widened, the memory of Ivy catching us out in the snow playing through my brain. Don’t say it, Ivy! I begged mentally.

“She,” Ivy pointed at me, “Was getting friendly with Wyatt in the snow.”

Everyone looked at Wyatt and I. I pretended to look miffed, even though I really just wanted to hide under the couch all of a sudden. “It was hardly ‘getting friendly’ in the snow,” I sniffed, “He was lobbing snowballs at my butt and face and I got ticked off so I tackled him.”

“How can you tackle Wyatt? You’re so tiny!” Lance laughed.

I hit him in the back of the head as I passed, “That’s not nice. And size has nothing to do with it; hit a person hard enough and they’ll fall.”

“You got that right,” Wyatt snorted, rolling his eyes as he suddenly seemed relaxed again, probably that I somehow managed to get everyone to forget about my kiss with Blake, “You hit me pretty damn hard. I still felt it hours later.”

I shrugged and sat down, “Oh well.”

“Wow, heartless,” he replied, making a face at me.

“Lila still has to kiss Blake!” Keira cried giddily.

I let out a string of profanities in my head, but I forced a smile on the outside. 

“Did you not just hear me?” I asked, “I said my dad is coming home.”

“Yeah? So?” Brett questioned.

“I don’t exactly want him to see me locking lips with my friends in my living room, and I rather he not know about what we’ve been up to this afternoon,” I said, widening my eyes at him.

“Oh Lila, live a little,” Jared said, rolling his eyes.

I stood up, adjusting my jogging pants, “I do live and I want to continue living thank you very much. And if I want to keep living I can’t exactly be grounded now can I?”

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