Chapter 7. Three Years Ago Today...

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Aiden's POV

I haven't seen Andy in two weeks, and today isn't probably a good day to see her either. It's Saturday but something happened 3 years ago today, something neither of us care to talk about.

I miss Andy so badly, learning to live without her has been like learning to live without oxygen.

I continue working on the Dodge Dakota that came in earlier. 

My phone dings and I check it.

Carly: Wanna come over tonight?

Me: No not a good day.

Carly: Never is.

I don't even bother to respond to her. 

As soon as 6 P.M. rolls around Jason and I head out to my truck and get in driving away from the shop.

"You okay?" Jason asks me.

"Yeah man I'm fine." I nod.

When we get to the house I don't bother getting anything to eat, my nerves are so shot I'd just puke it up.

I hate today, it's not something you ever really get past.

I go upstairs and grab my journal and plop down on my bed.

Dear Me,

It's April 26th, today three years ago at 9:03 P.M. my daughter Angel was pronounced dead, after her mother slipped and fell down the stairs. Her mother got a concussion from the incident but that was all. At first, I thought maybe I lost both of them but I just lost her. Then I did one of the most cruel things I'd ever done in my life, I let Andy believe that I blamed her that I didn't love her anymore. Andy was only 23 weeks 5 days, Angel didn't have a good chance of surviving outside the womb. Angel weighed only 1 pound 7 ounces and was 12 inches long, but she was one of the most beautiful things I ever laid eyes on aside from her mother. I want to fix it between Andy and I, but I don't know how too. Not only that I don't know how too, but I don't think Andy even want's too. Obviously some part of her want's to be in my life or she wouldn't keep coming around, but that doesn't mean she even loves me the same way. I'm like the world's biggest asshole in her eyes and I don't blame her for a second for feeling that way. Andy come back into my life in such a weird way, the hole day had been weird. It makes me believe there is a reason we crossed paths again, but maybe it isn't a coincidence I was never that far from her. Then again of all the people she decided to make friends with, to use for an escape she picked Layla? 

Aiden King.

I set the book down and go jump in the shower. When I get out and dry off I just throw a pair of shorts on.

I turn the T.V. on and by 11:15 P.M. I decide to go downstairs and get A glass of water. I hear the radio playing in the kitchen on a country station.

"Hey man what ya doin?" Jason asks standing in the kitchen grabbing a soda.

"Getting water and going to bed. Turn that off-" I cut off when I hear a knock at the door. 

"Expecting someone?" I ask Jason confused and he shakes his head confused too.

I go over to the door and Jason head's back upstairs, my guess is it's probably Carly but I hope not I don't even wanna see her.

I open up the door a little ways.

I stand their surprised.

"Can I come in?" She whispers.

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