Chapter 9. The Truth

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Aiden's POV

I spin around to see who'd spoke.

It's Andy and she's black and blue, leaning casually against the doorway.

"It was A private discussion." Carly says to Andy all snotty.

Oh shit..

I look back at Andy and as I figured she's storming across the room straight for Carly.

"No Andy!" I yell and grab her around the waist. "Jason!" I yell.

Jason comes into the room and get's in the middle of the girls.

"What's wrong bitch, jealous?!" Andy yells at her and laughs. 

Jason grabs Andy trying to push her out of the room and I stand in front of Carly.

Carly looks at my neck and see's something she gasps.

"You.." She trails off and then slaps me.

"Haha! That's right bitch he wasn't with you last night!" Andy screams and then laughs.

"Carly I'm sorry, it just happened. I was gonna tell you that it was over between us but then I come in and you are looking through my shit!" I yell at her.

Jason's laughing then Layla and Robby come running in too.

"See my nudes too bitch?" Andy yells at her.

"Andy that's enough!" I yell at her.

Carly tries to run at Andy but I hold her back.

"Just cause you have a dead kid together doesn't mean you have some obsessive claim on him whore!" Carly screams at her, and that does it. Andy snaps she knee's Jason in the nuts and he falls to the floor.

I let Carly go knowing she has it coming, Andy makes a fist and punches Carly straight in the mouth.

"You fucking dumb bitch I'm gonna kill you!" Andy screams at her diving on top of her and punching her twice more.

That's enough of that.

I grab Andy off of Carly and pull her into me.

I pull Andy out of the bedroom.

"Get Carly out." I tell Robby and Layla.

I throw Andy over my shoulder and carry her down the stairs to the basement, where all the sound equipment is at.

"Let go of me! I'm gonna stab that fucking Come dumpster!" She yells punching me in the back.

I turn the light's on low in the basement and go over to the couch sitting down and pulling her into my lap. 

"Andy calm down." I try soothing her. "Please." I whisper as I rub her back, she gives up fighting against me.

She buries her head into the crook of my neck and cries.

I pull her head away and look into her eyes. 

"What happened to your face?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "I just got in a fight." She whispers.

"With who?" I ask her.

She tries to pull  off of me.

"Tell me Andy." I whisper.

I sit there and think about it for a moment...and then it clicks.

"Was it Logan?" I ask her sternly.

"N-no, It wa-" I cut her off because I can tell she's lying.

"Don't fucking lie to me Andy!" I yell at her.

She puts her head in her hands.

I set her down on the couch and stand up.

I start breathing heavily my heart is pounding and my head feels like it's going to explode from rage.

I throw my fist against the concrete wall in the basement.

"He's been beating you?!" I scream. "And I'm just now finding out about it?!"

"Aiden it was only a couple ti-" I cut her off again.

"ONLY?! Right Andy just a couple times no big fucking deal?! God have you lost your fucking mind?! Why wouldn't you tell me I could of-" I scream but she cuts me off jumping off the couch and getting in my face.

"You weren't around for three years Aiden!" She screams at me.

"Well I am now." I say darkly I turn for the door and run up the stairs.

"Aiden!" She yells running up the stairs. "Please!" She yells.

When I get up the stairs I grab my truck keys and head for the door, but she's standing in front of it.

"NO!" She yells pushing me back. "Listen to me!" 

I'm well aware of the audience behind us.

"What's going on?" Layla asks running up to us.

She see's Andy's face and I see the recognition in her eyes.

"Does everyone in fucking California know aside from me?!" I shout.

"I knew he slapped her once before, she asked me not to tell." Layla whispers.

"Y-you knew?!" I stutter. "Damn it Layla you should have told me!" I yell.

Trying to push Andy out of the way but Jason and Robby grab me. 

"Fucking let go of me now!" I yell.

"I'm going to kill that piece of shit!" I yell again when nobody responds.

"Aiden please I came here, because I knew I had to get away from him. I still have to get my shit out of there." She whispers resting her palms against my chest.

My chest rises and falls rapidly, from the anger built up inside of me.

"I'm going home okay?" She says.

"What? No why would yo-" She cuts me off.

"What the hell else am I supposed to do Aiden? I can't stay in L.A. if I stay at the school he's only four blocks away." She says shaking her head.

"Stay with me Andy." I whisper.

My breathing begins to slow down and the guys let me go cautiously.

"Aiden I can't jus-" I cut her off 

"Yes you can." I whisper to her and then grab each side of her face, leaning down and kissing her.

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