Chapter 23. Too long.

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Andy's POV

Dear Diary, 

Two weeks is feeling like forever, I hate it. Aiden talked to Robby and Layla and they're going to drive the Challenger back home cause I am far to busy keeping up on grandpa's house well... my house. Grandpa was still farming when he died he still had cattle, crops, and horses. He was a little behind though, of course cause he'd been sick before he passed away. I'm exhausted from barely sleeping, Aiden's exhausted from barely sleeping. When he get's home we'll probably sleep like the dead for a day or so. Thankfully grandpa had a truck that is now in my name too, otherwise I'd be calling my dad for rides and my dad is very pissed at me for getting hitched. Marrying Aiden was the smartest decision I've made though in a very long time. Life without him isn't a life at all, everything feels dead parts of me are dead without him I'm not me without him. I was looking forward to coming home buying a house or maybe a farm eventually, but not the way I got it. I miss my grandpa, I'd visit him often except the last three years I did see him once for about an hour while home for Justin's funeral, now that doesn't seem long enough. It's been twelve hole days that I've been home. Grandpa's funeral is over, everyone was pretty descent. Everyone in town basically knew my grandpa so naturally they came to the funeral. Grandpa was big into charity too, he did a lot for the little town. Aiden won't be here for two more day's which sucks. I haven't talked to him in 2 days either because he's been so busy. I love that I got my grandpa's cause I now got the lake which is all on my grandpa's property. The memories of that lake... It's got me thinking about the future now, school, work, the house...Kids? 

Andrea King

I get up and grab the keys, and my wallet. Grandpas house hadn't had groceries really and what was here was no longer any good.

I step out of the kitchen onto the sun porch and then out the back door.

I go down toward's the truck and get in.

I pull out of the driveway heading toward's town.

I get into the grocery store and start at one end and work my way over.

"Andy?" I hear someone ask I look around for the one who spoke to me and then I see him.

"Tyler?" I ask in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"I could ask you the same I thought you were in Tuscaloosa?" I ask confused.

"Oh yeah I am I just came back for a week." He says and smiles at me.

"I just moved back." I tell him.

"Finish at UCLA already?" He asks confused.

"No I'm gonna finish one more year in Tuscaloosa, just drive back and forth." I tell him.

"Babe I couldn't fi-" A strawberry blond girl walks toward's us.

I look at her and smile realizing she must be Tyler's girlfriend.

"Andy this is my girlfriend Sierra, Sierra this is Andy." Tyler introduces us.

"Hi." I smile at her.

"Hey." She smiles.

"We went to school together." He informs Sierra.

I wouldn't really want to inform her I'm his ex either no reason to make it more awkward.

Tyler looks down at my hand in confusion then back to me.

"Damn, you got married?" He asks in surprise.

"Yes I did at the beginning of June." I tell him.

"While you were in California?" He asks me.

I nod. "Yep."

"Cool, who's the lucky guy?" He asks.

"Aiden." I answer simply.

" in Aiden King?" He asks confused.

"Yes." I nod.

"I heard ya'll broke up after graduation." He says.

"On graduation actually. I was in L.A. and he was in San Diego we just ran into each other through a mutual friend and we sorta just got back together." I tell him.

"Wow, well congrats." He says and smiles. 

"Thanks." I say. "I should really get going, it was nice meeting you Sierra. Take care guys." I add.

"You too." They both say and walk away from me.

I let out a heavy sigh and shake my head.

I make my way through the isle's pretty much grabbing everything that looks good because I'm starving.

I can imagine Aiden laughing at me with some sort of (your always hungry) remark.

I go to the check out and then head out of the store putting the grocery's in the box of the truck.

I get into the truck and pull out of the grocery store.

My phone rings and I check the caller ID.

It's Leah.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey up for some company?" She asks me.

"Yeah totally, I'm on my way home now." I tell her.

"Okay I'll be there soon." She says.

"Sounds good." I say and hang up the phone.

I pull into my driveway and get out of the truck.

I get one load of the groceries in the house and when I head back out I see Leah pulling up in Drew's truck.

She climbs out and comes over she helps me grab the rest of the groceries and head inside.

"So how are you doing?" She asks me.

"Everything considered I'm doing fine. I miss Aiden like crazy though, and I miss my grandpa but I'll hang in there." I tell her.

"It's kinda cool that he left you all of this." Leah says.

"I know it is, I love it out here always have and the house is huge." I tell her.

"So Aiden is coming back right?" She asks.

"Yeah should be here in a couple of days." I tell her.

"What about school?" She asks me.

"Gonna finish in Tuscaloosa next year." I tell her.

I hand her a can of pop and myself one and we head out onto the sun porch.

"I have to tell you something." She says as we sit down on the chairs.

"What's that?" I ask her.

She takes a deep breath and looks worriedly at me. "I'm pregnant." She whispers.

"W-what? Oh my god...Leah congrats did you tell Drew?" I ask her.

"No." She whispers putting her head down. "I'm so scared, Drew and I agreed to wait until school was over we don't even got our own place, an-" I cut her off.

"Leah you'll be fine sometimes it happens when you don't expect it, but it doesn't make it any less of a miracle believe me." I whisper.

"Oh Andy I'm sorry I didn't mean to be insensitive I jus-" I cut her off again.

"No no no Leah it's fine, I didn't mean it that way. Look" I turn to face her better. "Drew is crazy about you, you two have been together for years. You love him, you two are obviously never gonna want anyone else. You two are perfect together, and that baby is an adventure just do your best you two will figure it out together. You need to get your ass back in that truck and go home and tell Drew." I tell her.

She smiles and leans over to hug me. "Thank you." She says.

We hear another vehicle pull into the drive way and look out the window.

"What the hell." I whisper when I see the vehicle that pulls into my driveway.

Leah and I look at each other in confusion.

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