Chapter 20. Airport

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Aiden's POV

I hear the phone ringing, I look up at the alarm clock and then at Andy. I grab Andy's cell phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Aiden? I need to talk to Andy." The guy says.

"Who is this?" I ask confused because I didn't look at the caller ID.

"It's Craig." He says.


"Baby." I shake her. "Your dad is on the phone." I tell her in a groggy voice.

She grabs the phone from me. "Dad? What is it?" Andy asked confused. 

There's a silence.

"Grandpa Lewis?" she asks confused

Another silence.

"Okay dad I'll figure it out in the morning." She whispers. "Night."

She hangs the phone up and set's it down on the end table.

"What is it?" I ask confused.

"Grandpa passed away, mom's dad." She whisper.

"When?" I ask.

"Tonight, dad told me earlier a couple days ago he was in the hospital but I guess I assumed he'd pull through it." She says. "I'm going to have to go home again." 

I sigh heavily. "Shit, baby I don't know how the hell we're gonna do all that. We may need to put off moving longer." 

"We'll figure it out in the morning." She yawns tiredly and curls up into my chest.

She falls back asleep exhausted and I fall asleep shortly after.


"Hey." Andy says standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hi." I yawn.

She hands me a cup of coffee and I sit down rubbing my hands over my face.

"So I have to see grandpa's lawyer because there's no living kin aside from me." She says quietly.

"Damn." I whisper. "Thought he had a brother?" 

"His brother, Jim had no kids. Jim died over a year ago." She says.

I inhale deeply through my nose.

"So then you get whatever's left." I say running a hand through my hair.

"Maybe unless grandpa donated it or something." She nods.

"I got to get on a plane tonight by  5:15 P.M." She says. "I had enough in my account to pay for it." 

I nod in understanding. "Okay, I'll drive you there later." 

"You can't go can you?" She asks me quietly.

I shake my head. "No baby I can't I have to finish thing's up here, Jason will be here tomorrow." 

She nods and walks over to where I'm sitting she rests her hands on my shoulders and stands between my legs. I wrap an arm around her waist and she leans her head down to kiss me.

Layla and Robby come walking into the kitchen.

Andy tells Layla what's going on, and Robby sit's beside me.

Robby looks down at my hands in confusion that are resting around the coffee cup, and then looks up at Andy's.

"Holy shit." He whispers. "Did you two get married?" He asks in confusion.

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