Chapter 30. Labor.

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Aiden's POV

"Aiden." I hear a voice whisper.

I groan. "What?" I ask.

"Aiden my water broke." Andy says.

My eyes shoot open and I look at her, she's standing next to the bed looking down at me.

"W-what?!" I ask.

"In Labor." She says slowly like she's talking to an idiot.

"Oh shit." I whisper.

I jump out of the bed and throw on a pair of pants and a shirt.

She walks slowly toward's the door and I help her.

We carefully walk down the stairs and go out to the truck.

I help her inside of the truck and shut the door then climb in on the driver side. 

"Are you going to even make it to Tuscaloosa? Maybe we should just go to the hospital hear in town." I tell her.

She nods. "Just take me to the E.R. in town they're not early should be okay." She whispers.

"You feel okay?" I ask her.

"Yes, I'm okay." She whispers.

We pull out of the driveway and head toward's town.

Once in the parking lot I help her carefully out of the truck and we walk toward's the Emergency entrance. I help her into a wheel chair and push her to the nurses station.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asks.

"My wife's in labor with twins." I tell her.

"Oh." She says. "I'll call the OB center and let them know." She says.

I push Andy to the elevators and go to the third floor.

The nurse on the third floor is waiting for us we follow her to a labor and delivery room.

I quickly explain to the nurse about Andy's condition and she runs off to find a doctor.

"I'm scared." She whispers.

"Me too baby." I whisper. "I'll be back in okay I'm gonna call your dad and my mom." I tell her.

I walk out of the room, I call Craig first.

"Hello?" He asks in a groggy voice.

"Craig it's Aiden, Andy's in labor her water broke tonight so we just come to the hospital here in town. She's doing good so far, there aware of her condition too." I tell him.

"Okay I'll be there soon, thanks for calling." He says.

"Your welcome." I tell him and hang up.

I call my mom next.

"Mom, Andy's in labor we only made it into town her water broke didn't want to chance driving clear to Tuscaloosa." I tell her.

"Okay tell her to hang in there I'll be there soon, did you call Craig?" She asks.

"Yeah he's on his way too." I tell her.

I hang up the phone and go back into the room.

Andy's looking at me as soon as I walk in the door, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You okay baby?" I ask worriedly.

"F-fine. Just hurts is all." She whispers.

I sit down on her bed beside her.

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