With you I truly am the Luckiest the duck in the world - Magica X Gladstone

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It was after the shadow war and Magica was now working at a local café in Duckburg plotting her revenge on Scrooge McDuck, when a certain lucky duck showed up.

Magica was currently at the counter trying to find a way to get her powers back, when he called her over. "Hey, ma'am can I get some service over here?"Gladstone asks. Magica grumbles walking over towards him. When she stops in front of him, he stares at her and immediately thought she was stunning. Gladstone instantly fell for her.

Gladstone loved the way she talked, her icy stare, her tsundere personality and her short black hair. He was brought to reality when she cleared her throat to get his attention. "I'm Magica Despell and I'll be your waitress for this evening."Magica says bluntly. "Yes, I have a coffee."Gladstone says. "Coming right up, sir."Magica says walking away. "Call me Gladstone."He says to her winking. Magica felt the heat rise to her cheeks and she walked away growling.

Later on, Magica felt like she was being watched as she gave him the coffee and ran around the café doing her other work. Magica looks behind her and see's the duck she was serving was staring at her. Magica tried to ignore and carry on with her normal work routine. However, days drag on and he came by everyday to stare at her and he had even requests her to be his server. To was the day that Magica wasn't put up with any shit, she already had a awful day. A couples child had spilled his orange juice at her, some guys at a near by table were catcalling her every time she walked by and earlier her boss cursed her out today for what another co-worker did.

Let's just say it wasn't the day for Gladstone to pop by for a visit. Magica heard the bell ring and she heard his voice. "I want Magica to be my server today."Gladstone requests. "Right away, Magica get over here!"Her boss yelled. Magica walked over and her boss went to the back room to do some work. "You're looking at radiant as ever.~"Gladstone says. "You know what I'm tired of your flirtatious comments, I'm tired of you coming in everyday requesting me, especially during my break don't you think I have better things to do no, you know I've heard about you luckiest duck in the world, since your so lucky then go get a girlfriend and leave me alone!"Magica snaps. Gladstone gets up and walks out the café. Magica huffs a sigh of relief and continues working.

A few days pass and Gladstone hadn't shown back up. Magica thought this would make her happy, but instead it hurt deeply. "Only if I hadn't been such a revengeful idiot!"Magica mumbles under her breath. Magica continued to wipe down the counter as thoughts of Gladstone floated through her head, just as she finishes her boss came out angrier than anything she had ever seen. "Magica, I heard you yelled at a regular costumer and that he hasn't been here since!"He yelled. "Yes, I did..."I said. "I can't believe you, you!"He yelled raising his hand to hit her. Magica shut her eyes waiting for impact, but nothing happened. Magica opened her eyes a bit and she was shocked. Gladstone was in front of her holding her boss wrist tightly in his hand. "What do you think your doing?!"Her boss yelled. "I could ask you the same thing, trying to hit a women and the women I love at that, the next time I see you raise your hand to her I will kick your butt!"Gladstone yells.

Magica couldn't see his face, but she could tell he was beyond angry by how his voice sounded. "You did, you wanted to make a fool out of me girlie, we'll consider yourself fired!"He yelled. Gladstone has a death glare going on and all you heard in the café was a loud piercing crunching noise. Magica could tell by the sound that it was a bone breaking. "You broke my wrist!"The boss yelled. "You should leave."Gladstone says with venom laced in his voice. Magica watched as her ex- boss fled from the café hall and into his little room in the back m, that he used to file out paperwork. Gladstone took Magica's hand and led her away from the café, where she use to work.

"Why?"Magica asked. Gladstone looked at her like he didn't understand. "I've been so mean to you, I said awful things, why would you come back and why would you help-!"Magica said but was cut off by Gladstone. Gladstone grabbed Magica's wrist and waist, and pulled her over and passionately kissed her. It took a bit for Magica to melt into the kiss. When they parted Magica and Gladstone's faces were red. "Because I love you, I loved you ever since I first met you."Gladstone says. "I love you too."Magica say blushing. Magica grabs Gladstone by the collar of his shirt pulling him in for another and this time it's was Gladstone's turn to blush.

8 years later~

Magica and Gladstone had gotten married and had a little boy named Asher who had just turned five. Gladstone and Magica were currently snuggling up next to each other on the couch when their son came running into the house, jumping with joy. "Mommy, daddy look what I found, twenty dollars I wonder if I can turn it into a bird!"Asher says running off. "He's got a lot you in him, always wanting to cast spells."Gladstone say smiling. "Well he's got some of you in him too, does this line ring any bells, hey look I found twenty dollars!"Magica says. "Well, I guess he's got a good bit of both of us."Gladstone says. "Yeah I never thought this would happen, I was so busy trying to destroy clan McDuck that I unintentionally fell in love with one of them, it's ironic."Magica says putting her head on his shoulder.

Gladstone smiles at Magica, Magica raises an eyebrow at him. "What?"Magica asks. "You know what would make the me officially the luckiest duck in the world?"Gladstone asks. Magica shrugs her shoulders not knowing where he was going with this. "A second child preferably a daughter."Gladstone says.

Magica blushes as she gets up and pushes him away. Gladstone falls over and laughs as he sits up. "What, we already have one kid, what's one more?"Gladstone asks. "Well, we might not get a girl for the next one."Magica says crossing her arms while looking away. "We can keep trying until we get a girl."Gladstone suggests. Magica blushes as red as tomato and turns to him growling, when all of a sudden Asher runs out into the living room. "Daddy stop making mommy go all red!"Asher says throwing a couch cushion at him, knocking him over. Magica runs out of the room laughing along with Asher. "I really am the luckiest duck in the world!"Gladstone says chasing them around the house.

Let's just say about a year later their twins girls Mavis and Melody were born, Gladstone and Magica couldn't of been any happier with their twin girls and son.

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