Part two of Father Daughter bonding with Jasmine and Gyro

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Gyro sighed as he walked away. He looked at his invention in his hands and glance over at Jasmine who was clearly upset. "Maybe Vanessa was right, I haven't been spending much time with her lately." I put the invention in my bag and made my way to the Scrooge and the others.

Later on the trail Jasmine along with Scrooge and the other spotted the treasure that was surrounded by sharp and pointy rocks that pop up and down from the ground and was was on the other side of the mountain at the edge of a cliff... figures. "Hmm... we need someone light on their feet." Jasmine immediately raised her hand smiling. "I got this Scrooge!" Jasmine ran back before quickly hopping over and zooming around the sharp jagged rocks before her.

Gyro walked tiredly behind them panting as he sat down. He looked around examining the area not seeing Jasmine in sight. "Umm... where's Jasmine?" "She's out there and how does she dewey it?!" Gyro stood up and his mouth dropped seeing everyone watching her. "Careful lass!" Gyro watched as she dodge the sharp rocks that came from the earth. "What in the world do have her doing?!" Gyro screamed as he ran down on the ground.

"Jasmine Gearloose! Get your butt back here you or you're going to hurt yourself!" Jasmine turned to see her father chasing after her. "Dad! Look out!" Jasmine ran and pushed Gyro out of the way to keep him from being impaled by the rock. "Are you crazy?! You could've gotten seriously hurt!"

Jasmine scolded as Gyro gave her a disapproving look. "That's what I should be asking you, do you know what could've happened to you out here?!" Jasmine glared at him as she continues to dodge the sharp rocks. "Protecting you, that's what's happening out here!" Jasmine grabbed Gyro's hand pulling him to the other side.

Jasmine walked away from him as they made it to the treasure. "Why are you acting so crazy today, you're usually so wrapped up in your inventions... why the sudden interest? Gyro put his bag down and picked Jasmine up. "Look, I know I've been preoccupied with my work and your sisters... but I do care about you, you're my baby girl after all." Jasmine looked at me sadly. "Dad!" Gyro rubbed her back as Jasmine hugged him. "I'm going to try and put more work aside to spend more time with you." Jasmine nodded as Dewey yelled at them. "The treasure!" Jasmine laughed as Gyro glared at the small duck. "Okay!"

Jasmine grabbed the magic cup and turned around and Gyro screamed. Jasmine turned around seeing a bolder came rolling down the hill at them. Gyro grabbed Jasmine's hand began to pull her along with him.

Jasmine ended up tripping over a rock and fell over. "Dad!" Gyro stopped and put his back on his shoulders. "Jasmine hold on!" Gyro hit a button on his back and robot arms came out of the bag which stopped the boulder. "Jasmine hurry!" Gyro yelled seeing the robot arms start to give way. Jasmine scurried away and jumped into Gyro's arms as the robot arm shattered. The watched the boulder get impaled by several sharp rocks and turn into rubble.

Jasmine stood up and handed Scrooge the cup. "What does the cup do?" Jasmine dusted herself off and smiled at him. "It's a magic cup that refills your favorite drink with your mind." Jasmine curious look turned into a look of pure rage. "You mean... I could've died for a cup that give free refills, ugh!"

Jasmine walked off with Gyro following her back to to the plane. Gyro sat beside her as placed the remaining pieces of his invention back in the bag. "Sorry about your invention dad." Gyro sighed putting it to the side. "It's alright, I'm happy you're safe." Jasmine smiled hugging him.

"How about when we get back home I take you to that Fun-Zone place you keep talking about." Jasmine shook that thought from her head thinking she's had enough adventure for the moment. "You know on second though how about a nice video game." Gyro thought for a second and agreed smiling. "Okay, that'll work." They began talking about what game they should play as they flew the way back to Duckburg.

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