Scrooge X Reader Arguments Part 1

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After Y/n and Scrooge little argument about her finding his hat turned into something more. They got into a relationship and let's say with those two's stubbornness and with different personalities traits they always clashed. On most days, but it shouldn't have been on this one.

It was Christmas and everyone was full of holiday cheer except for Scrooge. Y/n was walking through the house when she was stopped by her grumbling boyfriend. "Y/n where's my hat?!"Scrooge yelled. "Like I know!"Y/n snapped back. Y/n was a caring and patient person, but one thing she couldn't tolerate was people screaming at her for things that were not her fault!

"You know where it is now give it back!"Scrooge yelled walking out of his study. "One more word and whenever I do find that hat, I'll make you eat it!"Y/n says angrily. "I'd like to see you try! In fact I'd like to see you do your job around here more often!"Scrooge yells. "I'm always doing my job and when I'm not doing my job, I'm watching Webby and the boys, making sure you have everything you need and want! Helping Beakley it with her work! Making sure Donald doesn't destroy anything or hurt himself! Then I'm out teaching Launchpad how to drive, so no one gets hurt on their next adventure!"Y/n snaps.

By this time the boys and Webby were hiding around the corner listening to their argument. "You know what?! I'm done! We're through! I quit! I'm tired of all of this!"Y/n yells. "Y/n please don't leave!"Huey whines. "Yeah, who's going to listen to my poetry reading?!"Dewey whines. "Y/n you can't go! I need you to help me with my math! No one can explain as clearly as you can!"Louie whines. "Please Y/n you'd promise me you'll teach me how to normal girl things!"Webby complains. "I'm sorry, but I have to go, someone will come for my things tomorrow. Goodbye."Y/n says walking out the door.

The kids turned around at looked angrily at their uncle. "Kids relax I'll get other secretary."Scrooge says. "Another secretary?!"Huey asks clearly angrily. "She's was apart of the family!"Dewey complains. "There will never be another person like her!"Webby complains. "I can't believe you blamed her!"Louie says bitterly. "Scrooge I got your hat, I took out to be dried cleaned."Beakley says walking in with his hat. Scrooge laughs nervously as the kids glare at him while his back was turned. "Thank you Beakley."Scrooge says reaching it for his hat. Before he could take it from Beakley Webby snatches and tears it to shreds while glaring at Scrooge. The boys walked passed him like Webby did, glaring not saying a word.

"Beakley I think I messed up big time in more ways than one."Scrooge says.

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