Bonding Gyro & Stepdaughter Oc Jasmine Part 1

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It's been a month since Vanessa and Gyro's house have moved back in their new house and there was a bit of tension going on. Vanessa has noticed that Gyro has been spending a lot of time with the twins and Lena lately, so she began to worry about Jasmine.

Jasmine was in her room trying to figure out what to bring on her adventure with Scrooge and  Miracl's family. Gyro was sitting on the couch tinkering on a new invention he's been working on. Vanessa knew those two had been growing apart recently, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. "Gyro honey, we need to talk."Vanessa called from the kitchen. Gyro made a face and ignored her. Vanessa growled at this and grabbed a cook book on the counter. She threw her arm back and hit the wall near Gyro's head, so it wouldn't hit him and it would get her point across.

Gyro gulped as he heard the loud thud and looked beside him on the couch. He quickly put the invention down when he seen the cookbook beside him. Gyro looked up and seen his wife standing in the door way, she waved her hand to him telling him to come over with a smirk.

Gyro picked up the book and walked over to her quickly "I see you got my little warning about ignoring me."Vanessa said. She giggled a bit when she seen him start to sweat. "Relax honey, I wasn't going to hit you with it. I missed on purpose, I just need to get your attention for a moment."Vanessa said assuring. "As I said earlier we need to talk."Vanessa says sitting down in a chair. "Last time you said that we ended up with Nia and Layne, no offense hun, but no more kids for at least a few years!"Gyro said quickly as he put the book down. "One, it isn't about that!"Vanessa snapped. "You need to spend more time with Jasmine I'm worried that your father - daughter relationship is fading away."Vanessa says worriedly. Gyro was about to open his mouth when Vanessa closed it. "I don't want hear a word from you! You're going on the adventure with Jasmine and my friend's family!"Vanessa says sternly. "Alright and what's the second thing?"Gyro asked. "We're having another baby."Vanessa said walking out. "Seriously?!"Gyro asked surprised. "Yep!"Vanessa chimed. "Ugh, better finish that invention before this trip."Gyro said walking back towards the living room.

It was morning and Jasmine ran towards the door, but got stopped by her father. "Jasmine come here!"Gyro called. "Dad! I can't I got to hurry! I can't be late!"Jasmine whined. "I'm just telling you to wait why I get my invention I'm working on."Gyro said. Gyro grabbed his backpack and put his invention inside. "What?!"Jasmine asked shocked. Vanessa walked out form her office and into the room smiling. "I see you found out you and your father are going on an adventure together."Vanessa said calmly. "Mom, kitchen!"Jasmine said in a whisper.

"What were you thinking?!"Jasmine yelled. "Well, you two could use the bonding."Vanessa said. "That's why we have family game night! He's going to get hurt or even worse killed!"Jasmine says bluntly. "You're over exaggerating, it'll be fun!"Vanessa says. "Really? He's an inventor, not an adventurer."Jasmine says. "Just last week he couldn't get a pickle jar open and had one of his robots help and he got a black eye from the lid hitting him."Jasmine said empathetically. "Well he's trying Jasmine and you could teach him some adventuring skills, maybe you can find things you two have in common."Vanessa says getting down to Jasmine's level. "I guess so..."Jasmine said hesitantly. "That's my girl."Vanessa says.

Vanessa ruffled her hair and then went back to her office. "Hey Jasmine, so what should I bring little bulb or a mystery invention I've been working on?"Gyro asked. "I don't know! Pick one and let's go!"Jasmine said. Jasmine walked to the door and opened it. "I'll just bring both! Hey! Jasmine wait!"Gyro said. Gyro put them in his bag and ran out behind her.

We were on the Sun chaser going to our next our next adventure which was the sacred temple of the magic golden pendant. I was sitting on the left side of the plane with Clara and some of the others when Huey ran to the right side of the plane where my father was working on a new machine. "Wow! Gyro I didn't know you were coming on this adventure with us."Huey said curiously. "No one else knew either! Except my mom!"Jasmine thought annoyed. "Well I'm going to finish my robot, so yeah, now goodbye."Gyro said annoyed. 

After a long plane ride they arrived at their destination. The destination was dangero cliff mountain. It said to be a treasure so magnificent that it was made by the gods. "Wow! This is amazing!~"Jasmine cheered. "Yep, but dangerous! So stay close kids."Scrooge said leading the way. After a long journey and saving Gyro's life countless times they all decided to take a break. "Great finally now I can finish my robot."Gyro says. "That's it I'm taking a walk!"Jasmine said storming off. "Don't go too far lass!"Scrooge called out as she went out of sight.

Webby chases after with Gyro following behind her. "I can't take it anymore Webby!"Jasmine yelled as Gyro went a bit closer to hear better. "I love my dad, but he's not an adventurer! He's an inventor and besides you seen him about bite the dust all those times!"Jasmine yelled. "Well he's trying isn't he?"Webby asked nervously. "That's just it, all he cares about is finishing that robot, just like he does all the time..."Jasmine says sadly.

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