Fenton X Gyro the secret's out

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Fenton and Gyro were having dinner at a restaurant to celebrate Gyro's new invention was picked at the scientists company of creation contest. Not knowing there was the most sneaky, underhanded man on Earth in that restaurant. Yep you guessed it Mark Beaks. He was there being the nosy snoop he was. Gyro and Fenton we're having a great time, talking, bring all lovey-dovey. "Oh what do we have here? A situation that would totally expose Fenton and get back at him for quitting my company, yes please."Mark Beaks says happily.

After the dinner at the restaurant Gyro and Fenton we're walking home. Gyro walked Fenton to his doorstep and before he could leave Fenton pulled him into a long passionate kiss, Gyro quickly melted into it. After a good minute they broke the kiss. Gyro and Fenton were a blushing mess. Fenton quickly went inside and was off to bed. Unaware to them Mark Beaks followed them and took a picture of their kiss and posted it. "Posted, this is going to blow up my account!"Mark Beaks says walking off.

The next morning Fenton and Gyro were called to Scrooge's office. They both were nervous as they took the elevator to his office. "What did you do?!"Gyro asks upset. "I didn't do anything, did one of your inventions turn evil again?!"Fenton asked. "Yes, but that's irrelevant to this situation!"Gyro says. The opened and they walked to the door. Gyro knocked on the door and not even a second later Scrooge answered. "Come on and make if quick I have a board meeting in 3 minutes."Scrooge says. "You wanted to see us?"Fenton asked as Gyro opened the door. Scrooge walked over towards them and shows them the picture of their kiss. "Blathering Bluterskit, where did you get that photo?!"Fenton asked surprised. "Mark Beaks posted it on his social media account it's everywhere."Scrooge says. "I don't mind you two dating and being romantic, just be careful I don't want you to get embarrassed by anything like what Mark Beaks did."Scrooge says walking out. If Scrooge seen that means, Mama, we have to get to her phone quick!"Fenton says.

Gyro drives him and Fenton quickly to Fenton's house and when Fenton swung opened the front door, there his mother stood, tapping her foot against the wooden floor board, her face in complete anger and holding he picture of his and Gyro's kiss. "Mama I know this looks bad, but I can explain!"Fenton says completely embarrassed. "Fenton I'm so disappointed in you!"Fenton's mom says. "I know."Fenton says ashamed. "You didn't bring your boyfriend over here to meet me, shame on you!"Fenton's mom says. "Wait, what?! So, you're not mad about the kiss?"Fenton asked. "No, I'm mad that you didn't bring him over and attempted to hide it from me."She says. "Now Gyro was it, come inside for lunch."She says pulling him inside. "I loved to, but work..."Gyro says. "No but's and by the way, hurt him I break you."She says pulling into the dinning room. "Mama!"Fenton says embrassed shutting the door behind him.

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