Destined To Be Louie X Male!Reader

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It's been awhile since I knew Louie. We've knew each other since, I don't know since started living in Scrooge McDuck's mansion and it's in my neighborhood. We meet when he was hiding from his friend Webby. Webby was trying to play mid evil dungeon of internal screaming and he wanted nothing to do with it. He climbed through my window while is playing video games. That's how we met. We've been friends ever since, I'd even go on adventures with his family. That is until I started to seen him differently.

I had a crush on him. I would constantly day -dream about him and I was even picking out baby names. "Ugh! What's wrong with me!"I said angrily. "I can't be in love with him...he's, he's my friend and besides he'll probably get weirded out and stop being my friend."I said to myself sadly. "There's only one thing to do now. Avoid Louie, until these feelings evaporate."I said making up my mind.

The next few weeks I put my plan into action. I've stopped going on adventures and I've stopped talking to Louie. It was absolute torture! "Come on Y/n you can do it, it'll be tough at first, but you can overcome this!"I said reassuring myself. I had recently turned my phone back on, I kept getting messages left and right from Louie and they were coming in like every minute.

It's been 3 days since Louie overflowed my messages and I haven't gotten a single one. "I guess he gave up."I said as he flopped down on my bed. I then closed my eyes and took a nice nap.

I stirred in my sleep when I felt an uncomfortable weight on me. I opened my eye and to my surprise Louie was sitting on me with an angry expression on his face. I quickly push him off and I blush furiously. "Louie! What the heck man?!"I asked as my heart beating faster than usual. "Me?! What about you! You've been ignoring me!"Louie yelled back. "I'm tired, can we talk about this later?"I asked. "No, you've worried me sick!"Louie said with tears in his eyes. "Aw, geez Louie calm down."I said sadly as I hugged him. "I thought something happened to you! That scared me, because I can't never replace you!"Louie yelled shaking me. "Louie calm down, you need to relax."I said concerned. "I can't, I won't!"Louie said upset. I then did the only thing I could think of to get him to quit. I grabbed him by his hoodie and kissed him. Once we separated Louie looked at me blushing and staring at me in utter shock. "I'm so sorry!"I yelled blushing as I was slightly embarrassed. Louie then kissed me back and then smiled. "Don't be I feel the same way."Louie said smiling. "So are we thing now?"I asked as intertwine my hand with his. "Yeah, were a couple now."Louie said smiling. "Oh! Did you get the new zombie slayer game?!"Louie asked. "Um...yeah..."I said handing it to him. "We were just having a romantic moment and he just switches gears."I thought to myself. I then watch him struggle to get the game open and I laughed. "I loved this lazy goof ball and wouldn't have it any other way."I thought happily. "Here, Louie let me help."I said happily helping him open the game.

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