Launchpad X Shy Singer

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It was a exciting night. Y/n had Just starting singing at a fancy restaurant. Everything was great except she wrote her own songs, but she sang too softly. Her boss told yesterday if she did not cure her shyness by next week, she was out of a job, no matter how good her songs were. Y/n sat down in the back of the restaurant sulking at what her boss told her.

All of sudden in the middle of her show and loud crash echoes out side causing the whole restaurant to shake. "W-What?! What was that?!" Y/n asked freaked out. As everyone in the restaurant was checking to see if their friends, family and or co- workers were ok, Y/n went out side to investigate and hid behind the pillar of the restaurant slowly peaking out from it. She watched a duck with reddish brown hair wearing flying gear stumble out from the air craft falling on the ground. Y/n gasped in shock, she knew she couldn't just leave him there. She went inside and told her boss repeatedly and he made her repeat herself over and again since she spoke softly around everyone making her blush as she fought back the tears of her embarrassment. Since all that happened the customers left early, so she got the rest of the night off.

Y/n blushed as she dragged him to her car struggling, but finally succeeding of getting him in. She sighed a breath of relief as she moved a lock of her long h/c lock from her face tucking it back into place. Y/n opened her car door climbing inside and started driving home.

Once she got him inside she put him in the guest bedroom. As she walked down the hall she eyed the piano that sat in the main room. She smiled softly as she walked over. Y/n sat down at the piano smiling as she rubbed her fingers gently across the keys. This brought her back before her shyness consumed her.

Y/n smiled softly as she lifted the cover that hid the keys. She took a deep breath, before she let her fingers dance along the keys so elegantly. She started to play a piece. Mozart -Sonata. "Wow, that's beautiful."The mysterious guy said appearing behind her. Y/n turned and out of reflex smacked him across his face. She watched him fall on his butt, holding the side of his face that got slapped. "Wow, that was a good hit."Launchpad said surprised. "I'm sorry."Y/n said pulling him up. "Don't worry about it, I'm launchpad."He said holding out his hand.
"I-I'm Y-Y/n."She said shaking his hand slightly. "Well, I better get back to my plane."Launchpad says. "You can't leave, you been in a crash!"Y/n said softly, but enough for him to hear her. "I've been in a lot of crashes it's actually kind of fun, you know just riding in a plane is fun you know."Launchpad said happily. "Doesn't it make you self conscious about your piloting skills?"I said nervously. "Nah. Are you okay you seem a little bit antsy."Launchpad says unsure as he leans closer to her. "Yes!"Y/n squeaked out as she backed up. "Hey let me make it up to you, you know for all the trouble I caused you earlier."Launchpad says sheepishly. "Y-You really don't have too..."Y/n said blushing. "It no big deal! Just follow me!"Launchpad says taking her hand and pulling out of her house and into the busy street.

"Can I open my eyes yet?"Y/n asked quietly. "Huh? You say something?"launchpad asked as we walked up a... a ramp? "N-Nothing!"Y/n said flushing red. "Open them."He said as he took the blind fold off.
Y/n opened her eyes and seen they were on a plane. "So you dragged me out here in the middle of the night to get on a plane?"Y/n asked confused. "No. To ride in one."He said turning on the engine. I fell backwards as he took off. "Woohoo! Yeah!"I shouted causing me to sweat drop. "Is this guy for real?"I thought as I got up and looked out the window. "Woah!"I said looking out the window and seen all the city lights lit up. "Yeah. I know neat huh?"Launchpad asked sitting next to me. "Aren't you suppose to- auto pilot."He said pointing in the front of the plane. "Oh..."I said embarrassed. "I have a question. Why are you like this?"Launchpad asked. "Well I was bullied by a group of kids in my neighborhood, they loved taking down my self esteem and it made me worry about every little thing."Y/n said sadly. "I think you're awesome though and I think they were mean to pick on you like that."Launchpad said looking at her. "Thank you."Y/n said smiling confidently. "Right there!"Launchpad shouted pointing at her. "Huh?!"Y/n squeaked out in confusion as she stumbled over from her being startled. "You should be like that more, you know smile and full confidence. Like you did with that smile."He said blushing at his comment. "I guess... I could try it more..."Y/n said twiddling her fingers looking up that the duck who was grinning at her response.

After awhile of looking at the lights, Launchpad brings the plane down and walks to her house. "Thank you, that was really sweet."Y/n said blushing with that smile Launchpad liked so much. Her blush ply increased as Launchpad tucked a lock of hair in her face behind her ear. "I have to be going or I'll be late for taking Mr. McD to work, later Y/n!"Launchpad said grabbing her hand before quickly letting it go. Y/n watched as he took off as she walked in her house, she realized they didn't exchange contact information. Feeling sad and a big angry at herself she tighten her fists. When she did so she felt a slight crumbling in her hand, she opened it. It was a folded a piece of paper. "If you need someone to talk you always got me, call me later if your free." It said and below was his number written down on it. Y/n grinned as she put the number in her phone. Let's just say they're going to be seeing a lot more of each other.

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