Rockabye Baby Gyro X Oc Vanessa

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It's been a year after Vanessa and Gyro's wedding and they had recently added two new additions to the family. Two girls, one was name Layne and the other was named Nia. They had their mothers hair and eyes. They were the most precious little "angels."

They're certainly a handful. They cry all night and create trouble. Nia somehow gets into her father's inventions and starts mass chaos and Layne hides while all this goes on and it freaks them out, because they don't know if she's safe or not. Poor, Scrooge and Miracle they always get called to help fix it all and it only happens in the middle of the night, so they never get any sleep. Last time this happened their mansion ended up getting destroyed and they moved in with Miracle, Scrooge and the others, until it's repaired. Let's just say it lead to a fight with Scrooge and Gyro & Gyro, Vanessa and the girls moved by in with them.

"Gyro come on lad you've got to keep a better eye on the wee lasses, they could get seriously hurt!"Scrooge says lecturing Gyro. "I do and do I have to remind you it's kind of hard when it's the middle of the night and these two never sleep!"Gyro yells gesturing to them. Scrooge looked over and seen them sleep on his couch in the mansion. "It's looks like there sleeping to me Gyro."Scrooge says. "I'm going to bed we can go through the ruble and get some of your belongings out tomorrow, let me show you to your room."Scrooge says walking out. Gyro follows behind him. Gyro was tired was tired, frustrated and really didn't care all he wanted now was some sleep.

Vanessa and Miracle walk into the living room to see the girls sleeping. "I'm terribly sorry about this Miracle ."Vanessa says sadly. "It's quite alright, things happen."Miracle says picking up Layne. Miracle watches as she yawns and snuggles close to her. "No, it's not alright this is a problem."Vanessa says upset. "The girls are out of control, you two never get any of sleep, thinking about it neither do we, but their are kids and on top of all that the house got destroyed, now we got to stay with you two. I have to say this again, I'm so sorry."Vanessa says sadly. "It's ok Vanessa."Miracle says. Vanessa sighs and picks up her other daughter Nia as smiles slightly. "I just don't know what's happen, I use to be able to do this in my sleep?!"Vanessa says in frustration. Miracle puts her hand on Vanessa shoulder and smiles reassuringly. "Vanessa you got a teenager and an eleven year old, of course you're going to be a little out of it. Don't worry you'll get the hang of it again and maybe we'll find out why the girls are acting out."Miracle says. "I hope you're right."Vanessa says tired. "Oh that's right Scrooge showed Gyro to you two's room for the time being, Janet should be taking you to your room soon."Miracle said.

A few minutes later the Janet walked in tiredly. "Hi Vanessa."Janet says walking in with a yawn. "Hey Janet I'm so sorry we woke all of you again..."Vanessa says embarrassed. "It's no trouble, I've got Lena and Jasmine settled in."Janet says assuringly. "Lena and Webby are bunking together and Jasmine is bunking with Clara, the girls are thinking of it as a big sleepover."Janet says with a slight chuckle afterwards. "Let's get you to your room."Janet says. Miracle carefully takes Nia from Vanessa's arms and into her's. "I'll put them to bed for you."Miracle said smiling. "Thank you both and I'm glad they've adjusted."Vanessa says being led up the stairs.

Miracle walked up the stairs and into the room. She placed them down in the crib and kept an eye on them for a bit before retiring for the night making sure that they weren't going to cause anymore trouble for the rest of the night and that's what she thought. Unknowingly to her though the girls started to stir in their sleep. They eventually climbed their way out of the crib and onto the floor and started crawling immediately as if this lives depended on it.

Miracle awoke to noises from down stairs. She got up thinking it was one of the boys or the girls that woke up and were running around. "What are they up to now?"Miracle thought as got out of bed secretly trying not to wake her husband Scrooge. She then quietly tip toed down stairs to see the girls, she was shocked two see them up, even more something felt off. She hid behind the piano in the living room and seen a shadowy figure come closer as the twin girls hid under the living room table. "Now my plan is almost complete, now all I need to do is to suck the magical powers from these two brats so I can get my powers back and revenge on Scrooge McDuck and Miracle Heartfelt."Magica said angrily. "Come here my two little pawns."Magica said walking over to them.

Miracle growled and lunged at Magica causing a loud crash to be heard. The crash had woken up some people in mansion, Scrooge, Vanessa and Gyro, along with Jackson. "How dare you! You already broke up their family once, I'm not going let it happen again!"Miracle yelled. Magica and Miracle fought for awhile until Scrooge and Jackson broke them apart.

When Gyro and Vanessa came down the stairs, Gyro had to pull Vanessa off her, because once she seen her sister she lounged the first second she got. "Let me go Gyro if you know what's good for you!"Vanessa threatened. "Magica what in the blazes are you doing here?!"Scrooge asked glaring at her. "She's here to steal the magical powers from Layne and Nia!"Miracle said as Scrooge held her back. "Powers what powers?! They're only babies?!"Gyro says confused. "Gyro honey, the girls can get their powers at anytime. Remember when Lena got her powers when she was four."Vanessa says. "Don't remind me, she turned all of my inventions into stuff animals."Gyro says annoyed. "Their powers are awakening tonight and I was going to extract it from them to me."Magica growls as Jackson ties her up. "Is this really necessary?!"Magica asks frustrated. "You're just lucky that you didn't wake up my kid or I'd put in the Water warrior room."Jackson says walking away from her.

"Miracle, love are you good now? You're ready for me to let go?"Scrooge asks. "Yes..."Miracle says annoyed. Miracle stretched once she was released. "Scrooge, take it easy next time you had an iron grip on me."Miracle says as she pops her back. "Well I can't do anything less, you'd break out faster raging Water Buffalo."Scrooge says. "Dear are ready to be let go yet?"Gyro asked Vanessa. "Gyro you don't want to let go, because the second you do she is history."Vanessa growled. "She took my daughter when she was toddler, cast a spell on her, turned her into a shadow and took her away from me for years, I'd just got her back! I'm not losing my other babies to you!"Vanessa yells.

"I need to use the bathroom!"Magica yelled. "Untie her Webby, Janet go with her make sure she doesn't try anything funny."Scrooge says. As Webby is done untying Magica, she leaps to the girls reciting a spell. "No!"Vanessa yells. "L-lissard!"Layne said as she waves her arms. A puff of smoke appears and Magica was gone. "Where is she?!"Jackson asked. Miracle looked around and seen a green gecko with Magica's eyes. "I think this is her."Miracle said trying to conceal her laughter. "Oh this is too good!"Scrooge says laughing as he picked her up by her tail. "Nice karma, now give me her."Vanessa says. Miracle gives Magica to Vanessa and she puts her in a jar. "Heartfelt, I'm going to put her in a special room in your Secret chamber."Jackson said taking the jar away.

"Now we know why the girls caused all of those problems. They were just trying to protect themselves from Magica."Vanessa says holding them. "Well they're pretty smart, getting us to wake up multiple times, causing chaos to get her to leave and finally getting us here, so they could definitely be safe."Gyro says impressed. "Alright since Magica is been taken care of, we can all relax now."Miracle says. "Now off to bed, we all are exhausted and the babies are too."Scrooge says making us all go up stairs. "No kidding, they did a lot for someone of their age."Vanessa says walking down the hall with Gyro. "You know what the best part is to this ending?"Scrooge asks. "What is it Scrooger?"Miracle asked yawning. "That they won't cause no more problems and we can get a whole night's sleep."Scrooge said relived. "Alright, let's go to bed."Miracle said as they went into their room.

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