My Inspiration Drake Mallard X Reader

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Y/n was walking on the set for the new Dark Wing movie. Y/n was going to be playing the love interest of the hero. "Ah! Y/n sweetheart, there you are! Great to meet you!"The director said grabbing her hand. "Like wise."Y/n said as he shook her hand quickly. "Drake! Show your new co-star around the set please, as well as the other things."The director said walking off.

Not even a second later her hand was grabbed and Y/n was being pulled in a new direction. "Come on now, you've got hurry, I'll show where to get your hair & make up, as well as where to go for costume changes throughout the movie too."He said pulling Y/n along by her hand. "Here's Makayla, she's in charge of your hair styled and make up throughout the whole movie."He said pointing at her. She gave a small wave, before Y/n was pulled to another room. "This is Jennie, she's in charge of your costumes throughout the duration of the movie."Drake said pulling Y/n to the opening of the door. She gave Y/n a sympathetic smile before she was pulled to another room. "Here the staff, and here's the set!"He said confidently as Y/n looked around. "And I'm you're co-star Drake Mallard, I'm playing Dark Wing in the movie."He said looking at me. "Oh hi..."Y/n said as he shook her hand. "We start filming in 2 hours for scene 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 make sure you read over your line in those scenes and make sure you become the character. "Okay..."Y/n said backing up a little bit. "See you there!"Mallard said walking away.

Y/n had been working with Mallard for a month now and she got to know him more over the time she worked with him and she realized he's not quite as overbearing as he use to be when he acting with her. He calmed down a bit and helped her through some parts of the script, they basically got to be good friends over the short time they were together. They got worked beautifully together not one mistake, until she lost inspiration.

"No, no, no! Again Y/n with more feeling!"The director yelled. "I'm trying!"Y/n said getting frustrated. "Well it's getting late, we'll call it a day. Hopefully you can fix whatever problem you have by tomorrow Y/n."The director said annoyingly. "Good work everyone."The director said walking away. "You okay, you seemed not to into the scene."Mallard said. "Well it's just I can't relate to the character at all."Y/n said. "What do you mean? The character is falling in love with dark and mysterious hero by night, conflicting with herself since she's against his beliefs, but is slowly falling in love with him."Mallard says passionately. Y/n sighed as she leaned against beam. Y/n looked at him as he contemplated something. "What you need is inspiration! Something that will get your emotions flowing!"Mallard stated. "Yeah, that's great. Though there's nothing around to inspire me."Y/n said sadly. "Maybe I can get you some inspiration."Mallard suggested making me raise a brow. "Really? I'd like to see you try."Y/n said antagonizing him a little as she put her hands on her hips. Mallard smirked taking the challenge, he grabbed her hand as pushed opened the door, turning the corner towards the stairs. Mallard kept his grip on Y/n's hand as they ran up the stairs. "Mallard! Where are we going?!"
Y/n asked only getting a hardy laugh in response.

Once they reached the top and Y/n panted trying to catch her breath. As Y/n stood back up and looked at the door, her eyes were covered. "Mallard!"Y/n said in a panic. "Trust me."He said confidently. Y/n felt wind hit her face indicating that he opened the door. He grabbed her hand again and slowly lead her out. "Okay, now look!"Mallard said taking off the blindfold. Y/n's eyes widened and her breath hitched at the sight she had seen. Y/n was staring at endless city lights that shined as bright as stars in constellations. "It's... beautiful..."Y/n said in awe as she leaned against the railing taking it all in. "Yeah, I used to come up here a lot when I got aggravated during a certain scene of something of the sort."Mallard said looking at the lights. "Why did you stop?"Y/n asked as the wind picked up. "Why I found new inspiration, a permanent one. When you find that, you're set."He said. Y/n looked over at him and blushed, he was looking at her so focused that she went with embarrassment. "So? What's you're new inspiration?"Y/n asked as she tucked a strand of hair back in place meekly. "You actually."Mallard said not breaking eye contact with her. "Just when I thought my face couldn't get any redder."Y/n said laughing. "Why me though?"Y/n asked out of curiosity. "Well, I don't know why, but I like to get to know you better and find out."Mallard said getting closer to me. "Like?"Y/n asked as she inched closer as well. "By getting a little personal."Mallard said leaning before she could speak his lips were on her's.

The kiss was tender and sweet, Y/n let her eyes close as she melted into the kiss, it wasn't long till she started kissing back. Once they broke the kiss, there was a little bit of a silence going on until Y/n grabbed his hand, intertwining his hand with her's. "I'd like that."Y/n said making him smile. "Well it's getting late, shall I take you home?"He asked blushing a little. "I'd love that."Y/n said as they walked towards the door with their hands still intertwined. "You know what, I think I finally got what you mean by finding inspiration, I think I've found mine."Y/n said as they walked back inside shutting the door behind them.

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