Rescue My Love Fenton X Gyro

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It was late at night and Gyro and Fenton had gotten into a big fight. It was because of the the suit. You guessed it Fenton's Gizmo Duck suit broke and Gyro had to fix it. Things were said, horrible things, mostly they were said by Gyro.

Gyro cried to himself as he fixed the suit while talking to himself. "I can't believe I said all those horrible things to him, why I can't I tell him how I feel, why can't I tell him that I love him!"Gyro says crying. "Gyro?"Fenton asks walking in. "I thought you were in bed?!"Gyro asks nervously. "I was, until I heard what you said."Fenton says. "I love you too."Fenton says.  Fenton pulls Gyro towards him and they were about to kiss until, *Crash* Gyro jolted up from his dream and see's little bulb glowing red and in that money machine again. "Little bulb easy now!"Gyro says. Fenton wakes up and jumps out of bed and sees Gyro being taken by his own creation. "How am I going to catch them, my suit is shot!"Fenton says. "Vanessa, of course she's a scientist!"Fenton says.

"So you called me here to fix your suit and 3 in the morning?!"Vanessa yells. "Sorry..."Fenton says shrinking in fear. "Hand me those tools."Vanessa says. Fenton quickly hands them to Vanessa. In no time at all Vanessa finishes the suit. "Now in return, don't ever call me in the middle of the night again!"Vanessa says walking out. "Yes ma'am!"Fenton says. "Blathering Bluterskite."Fenton says. The suit flies on him and he flies off. "Dang it, why wasn't I more careful, why did I fight with him, why didn't I just tell him, I loved him or kissed him!"Gizmo Duck thinks upset.

Gizmo Duck looks for his love, and soon spot them. Gizmo Duck shot lasers at the invention. Gizmo Duck however didn't expect it to fight back. It's huge robotic arm whacks Gizmo Duck . Gizmo Duck regains composer and tried the laser pointers one more time and it's effective. "Gah!"Gyro yells as he falls. "Gotcha!"Gizmo Duck says catching Gyro. "Take me to the lab I need to run some tests."Gyro says. "Very well fellow citizen."Gizmo Duck says. "Who fixed it?"Gyro said angrily. "Vanessa."Gizmo Duck said. The rest of the ride over is silent.

As they get into the lab, Fenton's suit comes off and he puts it on the table. "Fenton, I need to tell you something."Gyro starts to say. Fenton stops him by grabbing him and kissing him. "No, I need to tell you something, I'm in love with you Gyro, even though we fight a lot, I still..."Fenton says with his voice cracking. Gyro kisses Fenton to shut him up. "I love you too, but never let anyone else fix your suit, that's my job!"Gyro says. "Ok, I got it."Fenton says kissing him once more.

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