Scrooge X OC Vanessa Shadow War

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It was after Magica freed herself from the dime. Lena, Jasmine and Scrooge were trapped in a magical cage. After Magica wasn't looking Vanessa falls out of Jasmine's amulet. "Woah, ouch!"Vanessa says. "Phew it was getting cramped in there."Vanessa says stretching. "Mom!"Jasmine and Lena cry hugging her. "Girls, Scrooge!"Vanessa says hugging all three of them. "Let's get out of here!"Scrooge says turning around only coming face to face with Magica. "Aww, I hope I'm not interrupting this warm, fuzzy family reunion moment."Magica says. "Let them go Magica, this is between you and me!"Vanessa says. "Well I can't."Magica says. "No, no, no!"Lena says as Magica makes her become her shadow. "Lena!"Jasmine yelled. "As for you Scrooge."Magica says sucking him into his dime. "Dad!"Jasmine yells. "I'll leave you two for now, I have a speech and a some suffering to unleash."Magica says walking away. "You'll pay..."Vanessa says. "Mom?"Jasmine asks. "Magica you'll pay for what you've done!"Vanessa screams as the cave shatters into pieces while her body glows. "Jasmine follow me now."Vanessa says walking. Jasmine quickly follows her.

Time skip~

"Stay away from my friends and family aunt Magica!"Lena yells. "I'm not you're aunt, you as crazy as them!"Magica yells blasting her making her disappear. "MAGICA!!!"Vanessa screams as the tears run down her face. "How dare you hurt my sister!"Jasmine yells blasting magical energy towards Magica. "Ha, you too weak to do anything to me!"Magica says blasting Jasmine and it sends her flying. "Jasmine!"Huey says running over towards. "I thought I had a friend and a family, but you took everything away!"Webby screams as she tried to attack Magica making her drop the dime. Clara catches it and tosses it to Dewey and the kept doing that while they avoided Magica's attacks. "Finally one of the attacks causing Scrooge to be set free. Magica tried to blast, but Vanessa stops her. "You should never turn your back on your little sister Magica!"Vanessa yells blasting her. "Ahh!"Magica screams in pain. "You're right!"Magica says blasting magic at her. The magic was blocked by a vase. "I have to thank you Magica, if you haven't showed my family would of been gone forever."Scrooge says as they fight. "That's not what happened!"Magica yells. Jackson and Janet grabbed her. "Keep her still!"Clara yells. "Sarah, Terra and Toby grabbed Magica's legs. "What the get off of me!"Magica screams as her wand flies in the air. "Powers, all serene and powerful, rewind the clock, and revive what was mine!"Miracle yells putting a hand on Magica's shadow. Soon enough Lena flew out of their and into the air. "Quicker than a spring, grant me angel wings of flight!"Clara screams as wings sprout from her back and catches Lena. As they touch the ground the wings fade. The wand hits the ground and Magica's powers disappear. "You all ruin everything!"Magica yells running away. "Wait!"Clara and Jasmine yells at her. They were about to follow in pursuit, but Scrooge stopped them. "We don't need to worry about here, how about a swim?"Scrooge suggests. "This isn't the last time we'll be seeing her."Miracle said. Soon enough everyone was swimming in the remains of the money bin. Scrooge was swimming only to be tackled and kissed by Vanessa. "It's good to have you back dear."Scrooge says. "It's good to be back."Vannesa says. "Eww mom, dad gross!"Lena says. "Yeah, eww..."Jasmine agreed. Only to make everyone laugh.

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