First mate and First Love Donald X Reader

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*Y/n's Pov*

Donald and I were childhood friends and we were very close, I had a crush on him and when I confessed he told me he didn't feel the same, we weren't as close after that. When his sister Della went missing it got worse. I tried to comfort him, but he pushed me away. I moved away from Duckburg after that. I recently moved back knowing that he was a sailor and it required him to use his house boat a lot to travel. I purchased a house with a pool in the suburb in Duckburg. I walked up to my house and walked in seeing that the movers already put my stuff inside. After unpacking I went to my job, I worked at the beach I'm an marineologist. I watch over the water by taking samples, tending to injured animals and studying the environment. While I was at my job, I seen some kids playing on a beach 3 boys and a girl. I freaked, because they were playing near some sea turtle eggs and I had to put cation tape around that specific area.

"Hey!"I said running towards them. "You can't play here."I said. "Our uncle said we could."Huey says. "Yeah, cool it!"Louie says. Well you can't as if right now I'm sectioning off this part with caution tape."I said. I put in some stakes and out the cation tape around it. "Why are you doing that?"Webby asks. "Sea turtle eggs are right here."I said. "Cool, so can we still play as we don't get around the eggs?"Dewey asks. "Sure."I said. "Webby aren't you coming?"Dewey asks. "Nah, I'm staying here and watching them."Webby says. "They won't hatch for a good bit."I said sitting down. "I know, but I want to protect them!"Webby says. "You'll be a great marine biologist one day."I said. "Thanks!"Webby says. "Oh no you don't!"I heard a familiar voice yell. I look towards the direction the voice came from and I seen Donald chasing the boys with sun screen. "Donald..."I softly said. It was almost like a whisper. "You too Webby!"Donald yells. "Y/n?!"Donald asks surprised. "Why don't you go play Webby, I'll tell when they start to hatch."I said smiling. "Ok!"Webby says running off.

I look away as Donald walks over and sits next to me. "It's been awhile..."Donald says. "Yeah..."I said. "So how have you been?"He asks. "Busy, been taking care of marine life and such."I said looking down. "I've busy with the boys and family all that."Donald says. "Well I should go home now."I said packing up my stuff. "Wait, I haven't seen you in 10 years and you're just going to walk away!"Donald says hurt. Donald grabbed my arm and held it in his hand. "You did the same to me so how does it feel?"I asked pulling my arm back. I walked off the beach sighing.

I made it to my car and opened the door when a hand shut it. "You aren't going anywhere until you listen."Donald says. "Fine."I said sighing. I knew if I wanted to leave I had to hear him out. "I really liked you back then."Donald says looking away. "Then why?"I asked. "Back then I was going on dangerous adventures and I didn't want you hurt and then when Della disappeared I distance myself from you more, no matter how much it hurt me, because it didn't want loose you, but in the end result was the same."Donald says crying. "It's ok, I've got you."I said hugging him.  "Please don't leave again!"Donald says hugging me tighter. "I can't promise that, I'm on a trial run to see if can officially work here from now on."I said. "I don't care marry me, I can't loose you again!"Donald says. "Ok, I'll marry you just chill."I said rubbing his back. Donald pulled away and kissed me passionately. I quickly melted into it. I felt so at peace. "Eww!"I heard the boys say. "Well guess you all are going to be my nephews soon enough."I said. "Uncle Scrooge Donald is marrying someone he just met!"Louie yells. "I am not, boys get back here!"Donald yelled chasing them. "Oh how embarrassing!"I said. "Hey wait for me!"I yelled running after them.

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