Chapter 2

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Alena's POV

      ( every chapter is Alena POV until mentioned otherwise)

     The school was pretty good actually. The last period was the gym, but I know I am not suitable for the gym or any other physical exercise classes. So I skipped the last one and started working in the library. I may get an extra salary to save, and the actual salary I get should be given to my father, or else it is difficult to stay in his house.

Since my mother died, he had become an addict. He was once a sweet and caring father. I loved him. He never let my mom hit me, but now he lets everyone beat me just for fun. This thought should make me cry, but for some odd reason, I chuckle. Maybe I am becoming crazy. But, whenever I want to smile, I used to think back to the time when we were a family. There are merely four people in the library now and I try not to deviate my thoughts from work.

       "You know that you are fucking ugly right, why would you even stand here and pollute this place you useless omega," Mariah snarled. One of the examples of beauty by outside and a devil inside. In the silent library, people look towards me. I did the thing I always do, I stared at the ground as if that would be the answer. I know I am not beautiful, but I also know I am not ugly either. It hurts, and it scares me that my mate would reject me because they all think I am ugly.

What if my mate rejects me at the very first sight before even I could know his name?

        "Hello, Mariah, what can I do for you?" My new boss asked her in a sweet tone approaching us. I turned to see her and then Mariah.

"She said I shouldn't be here because I get average grades in school. Can't I come to the library, aunt?" she stated, acting as if she is crying and sniffling hard. Her whole body shook by her acting. "Of course, you are allowed to be here, darling," she said in a motherly voice. She turned to me.

"I felt fucking pity for you even though you look like a real bitch, but you made my darling Mariah cry," she started screaming at me. "I...I " before I could even complete the sentence, my new boss slapped me hard, I just fell on the ground.

"Get your ugly ass off of this place. You are fired and most importantly, know your place before you speak,  you filthy omega," She snarled, and slapped me again as I was trying to get up. I fell again on the ground.

          I started standing up, having a hand covering the red fingerprints on my cheeks and the other hand picking up the thrown salary of my work from the floor. It is not new to me. I bent down to show them my submission and my respect before walking out of the library. I walked out, and leaned against a wall, closing my eyes, thinking what I should do when I go home. I heard footsteps nearing me so, I got ready to walk out of that place. I opened my eyes to see alpha David walking towards the library. He caught my eye and then saw my cheek, which is red due to the slap, and walked into the library.

           I started walking away from that place to my home. "What did you bring me?" is the first question from his mouth even in his drunk state. It started raining outside, I gave him the money which I earned.

He started looking at my salary. "Father, I got fired from my work, because of a gi...," before I could even finish, he got my chin rough and hard. "Do not blame others. Prepare us some food, my two friends would be joining us after a while," and shoved my chin aside. I nodded and started preparing the food. When I finished I heard the calling bell going off, and some laughing at something they are speaking.

           I walked to them and started serving them. I felt someone squeeze my ass. I jumped at the action that caused the water in my hands to the dropdown. My father shoots daggers at me, while the one who grabbed my ass asks me to sit on his lap. My father didn't seem to give a care, so the guy who asked me grabbed my hand and made me sit on his lap. I feel disgusting. I squirmed uncomfortably while the man holding me had a death grip on my waist. He started rubbing my back slowly. His hands traveled to my thigh and slowly inched upwards...without thinking much about the consequences, I elbowed him in the stomach and slapped him hard across his cheek.

           The three men growled at me before one of the men took me and threw me across the wall. I screamed as my head hit the wall hard. The other one took me by my hair and made my forehead hit on the wall hard again. With that, I felt blackspots filling my vision, and the next thing I blacked out. I woke up on the floor where I blacked out, it's been ages since I saw a mirror fearing that what people call me might be true. I washed my face in the nearby sink, and I can feel a slight bump on my forehead. My eyes became glossy as I was on the verge to run away from the pack. But I could hear my mom telling me every time to face the problems, never run away.

           I sat there, leaning on the wall crying out loud, screaming at myself, I couldn't tolerate it anymore. I cried and cried "Why did you leave me mom, my life would have been perfect if you would have been here. I miss you mom, truly, I miss you. Should I join you mom?"I whispered and abruptly stood up in search of the knife.

"I will join you, mom. Please at least let me stay with you. You will care for me, you will hug me beside the fact I am ugly. I don't really want to suffer the pain of rejection by my mate. I am coming to you, mom," I mumbled to myself as I found the knife I was searching desperately. I took it in my hand and started walking to my room. As I sit in bed, I started to think about whether I have some good or happy memories, but all of my visions are me getting hit or humiliated.

         Why live a life which doesn't even look like life? With that thought I dragged the knife deep across my wrist, I don't want any chances of surviving, so I walked towards the window with my bleeding wrist and jumped out of it...


             Hey guys!! It may not look like the girl is strong here but it may get better further.....thanks for reading and please do comment and vote if you like you all...

Let's get back to their journey...



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