Chapter 27

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Alena's POV

            Today for a change I woke up to the feel of someone caressing my hair. His hand running warm and slow in my hair feels like heaven. "Hmmm" I hummed before closing the distance between us snuggling closer to his warm chest. I can feel his chest vibrating "I guess you should wake up, it's good afternoon now" he said still caressing my hair. I jerked up from the bed which made back of my head hit his nose. He groaned in pain while I giggled "I am sorry, why didn't you wake me up early?" I questioned as I started getting up from the bed.

           He neared me with his arms crossed "You seriously don't remember what happened yesterday night, do you?" He questioned in return. The second he let the words out of his mouth memory of yesterday night flashed before my eyes. "I looked pathetic yesterday night... I didn't mean to cry like you think I am not perfect to become a luna?" I asked staring at the floor. His foot mere inches away from the mine he cupped my face making me look straight into his eyes.

        "I love you, okay? Don't ever ask that question again. I am lucky to have you and my pack is beyond lucky to have you as their luna. You are way too strong, don't doubt that. Do you think I don't cry?" He asked caressing my cheeks rubbing away my tears. I nodded my head with a pout. "I do cry but you know I use to cry in the shower...crying doesn't mean you are pathetic or weak it's just a way of releasing your emotions, I guess? I mean I am not good at these talks but do you get what I wanted to tell?" He asked for which I chuckled at his expression but nodded.

        "It seems my mom is the present moon goddess," I said and checked his face for emotions..he was not surprised or shocked. He acts as if he knew this before. "Do you by any chance knew about this and forgot to tell me about it?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow. He faked his expression to shock " course not...fine I knew it"he sighed. "See I didn't mean to not tell you, actually the moon goddess didn't even speak to me directly...she spoke to Brian Tyler and the prisoners and they told me not to tell you...I mean.. I didn't tell you because it was moon goddess order" he said it in one breath as he hung his head staring at the ground. I cupped his face gently "please do not follow me for now or the consequences will be worst" I said smiling as my grip on his jaw becomes tighter. His face shows how much painful it is for him to stand there without making some noise. I smiled one last time before leaving that place...

          He fucking lied to me, he didn't exactly lie but he didn't exactly tell me what was going on. I ran through the woods jumping and ducking springing towards wherever my wolf is taking me. My wolf took control of my human body now ."Alena stop" I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see Tyler, Brian, Alex, Tom and my lovely mate running behind. 'Why are everyone here?' I growled to David in mind link. 'You said the consequences will be for support?' He said. I would have laughed at his excuse if not this situation at hand.

          I halted suddenly making them halt too. They all have a panicked face and I grinned. I circled all four of them with fire and for my lovely mate I used the help of some branch and tied him to the tree. "Seriously, he said you were in a very bad mood that's why we are here and you are imprisoning us with your power" Tyler questioned and I just glared at him "you guys didn't tell me about your meeting with my mom...YOU WEREN'T LOYAL TO YOUR LUNA" I screamed for which they all bowed there head down.

         "Hey, you may cage their wolves for days if you speak with so much authority," David said which I seriously can't understand.  "What ?" I asked. "Your voice sometimes holds authority for which even my wolf submits," he says as he broke that branch which held him to the tree. "Oh," I said stopping the fire around them. Tyler sighed and the prisoners just stood there. "See, it was never our plan to hide something from you. It's your mother's order and we couldn't go against it" Brian whispered "even if you were not our luna but just a friend we would have told you if not for the moon goddess order" he said as a stray lone tear hit the ground.

             I am dumbstruck by his confession and I feel guilty. I shouldn't have used the luna card. They are my friends and they supported me when I was just an omega without my wolf. "I..I " before I could even tell something Brian left the place without sparing us a glance. "Hey, don't worry he will be fine, "Tyler said and chuckled "even my brother has a sensitive part".  Tom went behind Brian to check on him I guess. "Hey let us go to our room, we will speak about this tomorrow...okay ?" David asked concerned. "If you didn't bring them here it wouldn't have happened, "I said to David as I walked towards him.

           OFCOURSE his alpha ego wouldn't let him accept his mistakes. He is probably thinking how to blame it on me. "I know, I am sorry I should have waited till you have calmed down yourself," he said which made me feel so guilty. He knows and understands me while I am just acting on my impulse. "I thought you wouldn't agree when I blame it on you," I said guiltily reaching him for a hug. He kissed me on top of my head. "Hey just take asleep, we will be okay tomorrow," he said as he took me bridal style. "Sleep" he ordered in a soft voice as a smile took over on his lips. I smiled back before closing my eyes. I am way too lucky to get a mate so understanding and friends who love me for what I am with or without my wolf. I will do anything to protect them. I swore to myself before letting the darkness consume me.

   Hey people!! Couldn't update much lengthy chapter today because I was in hospital. Hope this ch isn't too short and you guys liked it a =) vote, comment, and support =)😄💓💖❤❤💕💕💕

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